
Lauren Trump

Ask @LaurenTrump

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do you want a profile pic for ig like the ones on my page here/ the one in my profile pic on ig :) (links in bio) Have a wonder day, your amazing! :)

Omg yes please that would be amazing!!!!!
Liked by: FiftyNifty

do a video of you applying your makeup how you normally wear it to only 1 side of your face and wear it like that for the whole day including while out. also post videos of you out like it

Okay haha

What product or service do you think is ridiculously overpriced?

Horseland :( I love horseland but it drains my money so fast hqhaha

Do you prefer rivers, lakes or oceans?

None. They make me feel like I'm gonna get eaten by a crocodile or shark so I will pass

COLD!.....wishing i could ride on the beach!! I bet it's a blast!! There is like no beaches where i live..... :(

Damn :/ if you ever go on a summer holiday to the beach look around for riding places. The beach is such an amazing place to ride :D
Liked by: FiftyNifty

If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

Blueeeee :D

Do you think people deserve a second chance?

In most cases yes. But if people disappoint people time and time again, how can you know they won't just hurt you all over again
Liked by: Cassie 


Language: English