
Lil Ron Trackz

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Is it true that you can't be friends with the opposite sex because then you will start liking eachother?

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🚩🚩 nooooo, i feel like this implies you'd only make friends with people you're attracted to. Bro I'm bi that's...that sounds like it'd be exhausting as hell 😅
بدون دخول في تفاصيل يا ريت تعملوا ريبورتات لصفحتها هي لانها بتأذي صحابي و معارف عندي و هي وقحة كتير بتدخل تغلط عليهم من حسابها هاد و من حسابات فيك كمان 😭💔
It depends if they see each other attractive, for example would u consider ur short friend that someday he might be ur bf ?

Language: English