
Lil Ron Trackz

Ask @LilRonTrackz

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Do you ever speak to yourself with tough love? What do you say?

theonlyems’s Profile Photolionessence
I’m a man so my motivational speeches be like “Quit acting like a b****” lol

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Who told you about the elves?
Are you a mentally healthy person or do the elves escape through the forest

I think I'm gonna quit my job and spend alot of time alone... mentally I'm not ok anymore..

Is your job causing the stress?

They want me dead! The police looking for his girl! & he wasted thousands of dollars to love spell two women😂😂😂😂

Lol I like to mind my business idk nothing about none of that

I was telling someone about my issues with focusing on what I’m doing and procrastinating and instead of being understanding they decided to call me lazy. Should I be offended by this?

Perception is everything, people say things based on their level of experience, understanding, or for shock value.
You know you and whatever you personally struggle with best.
Take what was said and have a real talk transparency moment with yourself and evaluate to see where/if you are actually being lazy.
Don’t get angry when someone points out what you consider a flaw is, take it as motivation/ammo to get better.
You can take what was said to you and extract the lesson from it or allow it to make you feel inadequate.
Self evaluation is key, them calling you lazy could stem from them having a harder journey that required them to endure more than you can or being spoiled where they had help you didn’t or didn’t have to work as hard.
Them calling you lazy could also be their way of motivating you to make some changes through what they consider is tough love.
Just take it as an opportunity to learn about oversharing and who can and can’t be vulnerable with.

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Would you rather be respected or feared?

You better make sure you're loved.
Even the toughest and most respected can die or go to jail.

You do realize none of your coworkers are your friends right? Everyone of them will backstab you in 10 minutes for a $50 Amazon gift card

Lol I don’t have co workers only clients….

They believe that blonde women with blue eyes are in danger of extinction

Find one and make some babies

why y’all be acting like GOD ain’t got killers on the team? somebody gotta do it baby.. fuck y’all think the archangel be doing?

Cause they dumb...

Which is better interracial marriage or same sex marriage?

I’m not interested in same sex marriage so you have to do what works for you.
That’s not appealing, attractive, on beneficial to me.


Language: English