
Willy Bum Bum

Ask @LiliLPMoulden

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Music Taste?

Anything way back from the 80'
I'm a HUGE rock fan and Metal fan
I'm also a fan of Jazz i love it all :)

What's ur fears?

Ud hate to find out that someone didn't date me cause there embarrassed of people knowing about me ( Look wise )

Heart broken

Yeah once or twice doesn't happen to me anymore tho since the last time when it turned me in to a stone cold hearted bitch. I don't get attached to people easy anymore.

you told me to add you so i did. do what you must. accept or not its ok lol.

I got 57 friend request I got no idea what one u are :p

well its lame cos the leader of the group of us told us all to be dark elves. your brother and another picked normal elves who were stronger.

Lol what a dick :3

well a good gamer never forgets the names of those he has gamed with. even if it was a lame elf

hey shush I said he may be a dick but still ;p

anyways. i bet you dont have all the Oz books. theres like 10 gajillion of them

I don't think we even hv one ;p u should add me on fb !

nah we have never met. but when i saw your last name. i just guessed that he was your brother

haha u hv a good memory :p

well its lame cos i was some assassin with a sweet ass bow. and his wizard could 1 shot things with spells :/

hahaahaHahaha :p

not on fb but we have some mutual friends on fb. which is how ive seen you before lol

Have I ever met you?O.o

if i remember correctly he chose some lame ass elf wizard to play lol

Hey shush I love my lame ass elfe brother :p


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