
Willy Bum Bum

Ask @LiliLPMoulden

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Fav 5 people u know?

Wait wuttttt? :( I have to choose? ;/ Pffff....
Numer 1 : Sam Spurling @spurlo
Number 2 : Kattoua Voria
Number 3 : Princess Ira
Number 4 : Elpida Lambrou @Elpida2899
Number 5 : Mahan E Fathi @Mahanf
Others !!
~ Ali Sheikh
~ Fanos Pantenchi
~ Natasha Petrou
~ Erica Sotiriou
~ Themis Barbas

afou en polla wrea ta vizia sou je idika tis filis sou tis iras:):)

Hahahahha ta boobies tis Iras je ta mathkia cu ;p <3

men me 3itimaseis j men to pareis os 3itimasia alla esheis telia shili j vizia! <3 ;o

Thank you ta shiliii... Yia ta vizia en 8a to sxoliasoo xx

What makes someone attractive?

Confidence not too much not to little and to love life and always be happy!! Smile every day! Thats my type.:D

i love you!! you are the woman of my life!! pls !! LILIIIIIIII!!! I LOVE YOU !! all i want is to kiss those lips of yours!! and taste the absolute greatness!!!! not only you 're so fucking hot and beautiful but you are such a personality!!!! i fucking love u just the way you are!! <3



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