
Willy Bum Bum

Ask @LiliLPMoulden

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got something to say?

Got something to say? You being serious? I got something to say? So I invite u out so many times u ditch me. I supported u and help you.. and u fuck off back to the uk and don't even have the balls to say bye? or let me know how u r or ask me how I am. So no Tanith I have nothing to say to you. Go ahead and deal with dick head people but if u ever meet a friend thst cares dont fuck em over like u did to me.

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hope you get to go soon then so you can see both

yeah im generally in love with Australia so I will go :) btw u got kik or snspchat?:$
Liked by: Elly

You know someone there? canberra is cold a lot and our capital

Yeah the boy I'm crazy about and family ;p

Any other food but bacon you like. And silly me I should have realised it was bacon

hahah aww;3 emm Lazania :p

East coast Australia in a state called new south Wales.

ahh I know where that is :p I really wanna go Cambera..

It's actually just changed to autumn/fall depending on what you call it

its wintery here atm...:3 Where in Australia do u live?
Liked by: Tarik

Well that's early it's 4:12 on here I'm from the future :p

hahaha I know that's crazy and it's summertime over there right?:p

The people over here a very friendly usually :)

Ye I realised :) I do know a few people and I have family over there soo yay :p

That's great I hope that dream comes true

Aww thank you :) I very much hope so too.. Ill probably feel very awkward not knowing anyone but oh well :p

What makes someone cute and attractive to you?

ahh.. Smile , Sense of humour , the way he acts around me , the way he talks to me and if he's tall...

Who is the cutest person you have talked to this week?

omg that's too hard so many cute people too hard to chose

see it still really not that hard to obtain or play the games at all you would not have to worry

oh well good :3 that just makes me wanna come more ;$

No that's not true they just put age limits on it like 15+ 18+ you just get someone older to buy it and your fine so no nothing really sometimes they will ban extremely violent fames and remake them slightly less gore filled or violent

ughh that's hell for me seeing im a gamer ;/

What do you mean that the system has banned things?

ugh for example games.. If there is any sort of valance in it then they ban it..?

It depends it can be very hot at times though and bi polar weather but I'd say anywhere along the east coast Is nice lots to see and do and beaches and stuff :)

I live in cyprus if u have ever heard of it its near greece and it can get extremely hot here to and extremely cold so im used to that. Ive just heard that the system how alot of things have been banned :$


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