
Olivia Jennings

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opinion on me sent it to everyone i follow?

youre one of my bestfriends and we had a massive fight,you gave me a bleeding lip and i gave you massive bruises;)! but we made friends like an hour later lmao;)! we've had sososo many fall outs but that's what good friends do;), i reckon we'll be proper good friends when we're older! you make me laugh so much when you give teachers shit, i hardly see you now because youre constantly in the quiet room-.-! were just always laughing about stuff,like miss james..when you said to her 'miss,your glasses really bring out the sparkles in your eyes' omg hahaha, i think youre beautiful,and your even more gorgeous without make-up,you have the confidence to not wear any for school sometimes;O! i love you so much and i'm sorry for saying all that shit in the past babygirl:*!

Why are people sending me and other people links to your ask saying "give this slut hate"???://

i don't know!x

ask me the seccond she walks through the door xxxxx

i don't even need to ask, i know she'll let me & i need to go out to do that sponser dance thing anyway!xxxxxxx

I want to know who it is;(& I thought you would be winding me up haha;)xxxxxxx

same,omg i want to know so bad:(((!&hahaha i'd probably do something like that;),but it's not me xxxxxx

Aw I don't mind haha,it's lush! Following you now btw x

aw thank you;)! and i'm following you too x

Awh thankyou!:)but no seriously I'm not,you're stunning! Have it,ill swap you eh?:)x

its ok!,i'm not at all! and omg i fucking wish:(! my hair is naturally curly tho&it takes hours to straighten,so good look;)X


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