
Olivia Jennings

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dont need to wish:*<3 love you moree<3<3

i fucking do omg,but thanks;)! no,impossible! night baby<3<3<3

it dont because your a skinny minnie;)<3 & your welcome, dont need to say thanks<3 ly

phaha,i wishh;)! and awh i seriously do! i love you millions and billions<3

Love you too ♥ ♥ ♥ night!!!!! Was he being serious tho?♥ ♥ ♥

nighttt! and yep <3<3<3

change your name you sil girl-_-<3 Reece, i hope you fall over with a boner.

haha no, i like it,suits me;) and awh i hope that too!;3 thanks for everything youve said luke,it means so much to me<3

Who was it calling you that? And haha , me , perf , lol and get something;) ♥

reece jones,lol! and yes now shut up;),im going bed,ily nighttt<3!

Thanks beautiful;) don't listen to them pricks;) and good!♥ get whatsapp though or something lkike that?♥

its okay perf,as long as you dont beat me up;)! and noo:'(<3

he's a cunt just punch him in the face hes a nobbbbbb l0l0l0l0l i love you so much bby g xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

nah,might go s8 lol,swear you can get done for bullying? telling someone to die? calling them fat? he doesnt know whats coming.. and aww ily millions!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: sophie.travis.

I was saying it to make you laugh.... Chonion pits;) ♥ I want a hug tomorrow;) ♥

well it worked;)!! and yeah aw of course!<3

please don't cry your perfect bby xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

cant help it! getting called fat and a slut and getting told to go die in one night is quite shocking;) ah well;) thanks baby,you too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

aw liv, dont listen to them pricks that give you shit and get you down, you are perfect just the way you are and you are not fat, if anything your skinny, seriously dont listen to them:(, chin up perfect<3

thank you baby<3

Omg why the fuck you calling Liv a slut you little rat err,I'm not being funny but look it up then come back? She clearly isn't one,your just low life and have nothing better to do,cos your Jel that she's better than you,more perfect now shut your trap before I shut it for you:) Ily liv x x

hahaha thanks court,they didnt call me a slut you boob! reece called me fat:) iloveyou x

that paragraph just reminds me of what im getting, youre nowhere near fat, I don't even know you but Im getting the same thing, so I hope youre okay xxxx

its horrible isnt it! thank you so much, im not okay but this has made me feel better! i bet your not fat either!xxxxxxx


Olivia Jennings
sorry if i'm moody with anyone, i know i sound really sad but getting called fat really really hurts my feelings,do you not think i know i'm fat? its MY body and i feel sick with how fat ive got.. yes, i do know that im not really skinny like every other girl,but thats just me,its not my fault, if i could have one wish it would be to make myself have a body like all my mates,but the fact is..i dont.
i know this is really silly but can you just look at this from my point of view?, i hate getting called fat,i dont know why it hurts me so much, but just please keep your opinions to yourselfs x


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