
Olivia Jennings

Ask @LivJennings

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Do you know what? If i lived in wales omfg you would be mine! We would be perfect!:*xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Albee back
OMG! dont tease me;( its not fair:( im going sleep now,night perfect xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: sophie.travis.

Omg baby i just saw that question, you are soo cute! I wish i lived in wales...fucking hell why dont I!?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Albee back
awh hehehe;) and i know ugh:'( xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: sophie.travis.

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What do you look for in a boy?

i know it sounds abit weird..but when they're proper clingy!,
hugging you from behind,omg:'),
short hair,not too short tho,
hugs you&kisses you in front of anyone!,
i dunno really,im not that fussy..just as long as they love me X
Liked by: sophie.travis.

you're perfect, marry me pls omfg xxxxxxxx

are you being serious omg yay yay yay, of course i will,your beautiful xxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: becks

If you could date someone you like who would it be, even if they lived the other side of the world


Haha bet you were like, fuck hes come to find me... aaaah hes a peado!;) Omg c.a.n.t. w.a.i.t! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Albee back
me and lauryn were like shit shit shit,who the fuck is that?! he was perf tho;)&s.a.m.e xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: lauryn

Haha fuck must have rushed it...;) wait im not sure if thats a good or a bad thing aha, omg yessss gunna get naughty!:Dxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Albee back
you twat;)! and its a good thing! it was well scary;O! and fuck ye;)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

YAAY omg csnt wait to see you agn baby:D shall we do the game?;)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Albee back
same;)! god albee,learn to spell;)! OMG me&lauryn found a boy in tesco on saturday who looks exactly like you omg omg omg and ye nigga;)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

phahahaha ugly ?? how the fuck is she ugly you blind twat fucking keyboard warrior bet you some sad loner behind a computer screen typing shit cozz you have nothing better to do jog on stupid fuck ? live ignore the idiots your beautiful !!! xxxxxx

thank you sooo much babe! but they're on anon,so it doesnt effect me;),phahah yeah,bet its some obese girl eating her mcdonalds giving loads of girls shit;)xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: lauryn


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