
Luke Woolcombe

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thoughts on kimmy maffey?

She's really pretty, seems like a nice girl, don't really know her that well but she seems lovely

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If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

Well I'd get one of my friends to bring me up and listen and see who does or doesn't bitch about me then I would know who my real friends are...

Write something you know in Spanish please! I'm from Argentina lol

Hola, mi nombre es Luke! Tengo catorse Amos ed edad. Y usted?

Who knows you better than anyone else?

Well I'd say if you mean like people that know a lot about me is either my bestfriends Harrie and Lacie or mainly my mum

PART 3; i will stick up for luke forever, he's a really close friend and he doesn't deserve any of your shit. he isnt ugly, or a pig, or anything. you all WISH you could even get near his mum. so all of you can just fuck off, because if i find out who you lot are, it will not end nicely okay guyss?!

I will stick up for you too! Thank-you Ellie! Means a lot! Love you <3

not being funny, but all you fuckers giving Luke shit should take a look at yourselves, you're all on anonymous and aren't brave enough to even say this to Lukes face. you guys have no right to even talk to ANYONE like you do. I HAVE MORE THIS IS PART 1

Awh thank-you! So sweet! Love you<3

all you fuckers have got shit coming to you, literally, you havent got anything nice to say dont say fuck all you pricks, hes amazing he deserves everything, these low life twats clearly have nothing better to do than give people shit, they make me so angry, jbwekhrvb dick heads. you have me:P<3<3<

Birthday girl
Don't mess with big Lacie! Any one hurt her you'll have me on your case! She does deserve any hate she's gorgeous and literally amazing! It's unbelievable how beautiful she is so none of you fuckers better not give her shit. Lacie's just lovely and perfect! My bestfriend and i can tell her any of my problems and she tries her best to help! bestest friend anyone could have, we tell each other deep shit cause we can! I love her! Thank-you Lacie! I love you Millions and billions, your literally amazing! Cant wait to actually meet! Gonna be so amazing! Love you! Cuddles and kisses :*:*:*<3<3<3

I'm in Year11 and tomorrow, I'm going to fuck shit up... I mean Sharon Woolcombe ofc xxxx

Okay that's nice. Cause you can't get girls. Come off anon and say this you pussy

is it true that in year6 you shoved a jelly bean up your ass?

Nope. Is it true that you shoved four pieces of Lego up your ass?

i'm a girl and I think I want to finger your Mum :L

That's nice. You fucking lesbian. Fuck off go get some other vagina... Cause you can't get penis.

is it true you asked that girl out, but then she said no, and you cried for a week on sharons massive tits?

What girl? No cause I haven't asked anyone out lately in fact in ages so that backfired.

loveyou, you deserve to be happy<3<3 you amazing child x x x x x

Love you too! Hmm... Thank-you but I can't... Your the amazing one lacie!<3<3<3

mwuahaha, ignore them bastards, your better than them fucked up things hehe, keep your chin up smelly you have me love you gorgeous;P<3<3 x x x

Birthday girl
I am! Hahaha! I ain't smelly you are! Love you too beautiful <3<3<3
Liked by: Birthday girl


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