

Ask @Luushy93356

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How do u notice me

By the magnetic pull you have on my heart.
Put you in a room full of people and yet the only one I see is you.

If a straight man follows trans profiles on social media, would you question if they are g@y?

It'd definitely cross my mind is all I'm saying

What's your opinion on women using their looks and charm to manipulate desperate/vulnerable men for cash and favors, without any intention of companionship? Is it wrong or just a hand playing it's cards?

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There's a way of doing things and any kind of manipulation is wrong and should always be frowned upon. Why manipulate when you could always just ask

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What are her intentions? She says she still loves me, but she has a boyfriend and does not want to talk to me.

Sounds like She might hate that she still has feelings for you


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