
Mafaz Rahman

i love you mafaz rahman..<3 and our hair.....oh god!! hearts come in my eyes

Our hair
Did you cut my hair when i was sleeping and mixed it with your's
And wow you have so many hearts
Which means that you will give me a lot of love
Anyways thanks a lot
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Latest answers from Mafaz Rahman

Stop acting like you're so nice. You're so fake. 🙄

People have a problem with me being nice.
And even if you think im acting to be nice, then great!
We all should act nice and be fake nice to each other.
Well the world is still fake but, at least nice.

Wanna date someone?

I dont date but u can try and also if you're willing to split the bill coz im fed up of wasting my money on the wrong girls.😂🙄

Where do you feel most safe?💯

ilaiba_sheikh’s Profile PhotoilaibaSheikh
Anywhere if I've got a respectable amount of cash in my pocket.
So yes everyone, comfort zone is a beautiful garden but where no flower grows. So better focus on financial stability and get outta your comfort zones and overcome adversities.

what's your religion and what's the logical reason to follow your religion?

Coz there's nothing illogical written in Quran and there's nothing i can prove wrong in Quran and also i have a wonderful life with a perfectly able body coz I'm grateful to my lord.🙏☝️

Likers get OBTT (one bad thing abt them) ?

I'm here on ask.fm to spread positivity and not spread hate.
I hate those people, specially the girls who act hard to get. Just coz someone's got a pretty face doesn't mean he/she is superior.
And likers get to see my funny and sometimes deep answers and if they believe they've got something nice or deep, then I'm a fan of art of all kind.🙏
(Plus why tf is it taking me so long to get likes nowadays?

What's the most expensive thing you have bought?

Come on guys, stop promoting materialism and feelings of discontent in each other.🙏

Language: English