
647 K people

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What do you think the meaning of life is?

Different for everyone.
I've had a hard life (rvpe, drugs, alcohol, bad marriages that ended in divorce) so God gave me money to help others out including charities. Live in luxury if I chose to. Have a bunch of houses and cars.
Entrepreneur and many other jobs. I stayed in school.
I have a large family. Hate the Cambridge curse , however, love the family I made.

Yar Pakistan main koi insan kuch bhi seeekhna kyun nhi kuch chahta. Har insan ustad bana hova he Kia Waja Guys?

Our people feel entitled when we are the worst performing countries in the world. We have to come out of this egoistic bubble, humble before you stumble. Just because we have cash, cars, homes, businesses, beauty doesn’t mean we should flaunt about it and consider others as lesser humans. Every person here is worshiping their “self-created” internal God instead of trusting Allah.
Are we integrable people?
Are we accountable of our actions?
Do we own any responsibility?
Are we fair with others?
We never will be because we are worshipping our desires.
Boutt parasti say nikal aiyn haan loog lakin nafs parasti may parr gaiy ha, Khuda bhi kehta hoga kitna na shukra ha yay shaqs.
Think about it, western are not better because they are liberal and always talk about rights, they are better because they are credibility and integrity societies. Yes, they do have societal flaws too such as immorality but our society has adopted their worst(because it makes it makes you modern) and ignored what they are doing best.

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What’s something interesting you’ve learned of/about recently? 💁

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
There are two major sources of sound from cars: The sound of the propulsion and the rolling noise from when the tires friction with the road surface. When watching a recent video from one of my favorite urban planning YouTubers I learnt that above 30 km/h (18.5 mph), the rolling noise starts to exceed that of the propulsion. Above 50 km/h (31 mph), electric cars are just as loud as gasoline cars, because of the rolling noise.
Safety is usually the main reason why people advocate for lower speeds in urban areas, fatality risks increase sharply with speed. But noise pollution cause a lot of psychological and environmental harm and changing to electric vehicles won't magically change that. Which adds another reason to lower speeds 🚦
Whats something interesting youve learned ofabout recently

What happens when an electric car drives into a puddle and the water from the puddle floods the battery container? Are electric cars only relatively safe when it's not raining?

KubaGR571’s Profile PhotoKubaGR571
🌞I think the manufacturers of similar cars have taken care of this. 🐞🚕🐝🛻🚗 But, of course, this technological step will take a long time to reach the desired result. ✨🐗
What happens when an electric car drives into a puddle and the water from the

What happens when an electric car drives into a puddle and the water from the puddle floods the battery container? Are electric cars only relatively safe when it's not raining?

KubaGR571’s Profile PhotoKubaGR571
This is such a good question for Google, I suggest you try that next time!
Electric cars are designed to be protected against water and water puddles, just as non electric cars are. It’s adviced, however, that ALL cars avoid puddles.
You can even safely charge your electric car when it’s raining. So no, electric cars are not ‘only relatively safe’ when it’s not raining.
What happens when an electric car drives into a puddle and the water from the

What happens when an electric car drives into a puddle and the water from the puddle floods the battery container? Are electric cars only relatively safe when it's not raining?

KubaGR571’s Profile PhotoKubaGR571
Что происходит, когда электромобиль въезжает
в лужу и вода из
нее заливает аккумуляторную батарею?
Электромобили относительно безопасны только тогда, когда
нет дождя?
В России есть такие машины, как УАЗик, которые пересекают любые реки и болоты, с водой в кабине, проверено лично.
А ещё у нас говорят, танки грязи не бояться.

Well in Saudi Arabia it’s 50° atm. Besides that. We’re ‘lucky’ this year. Temperatures have risen. In my country in the winter it rarely goes below zero anymore, it used to easily be -10 here. The weather also feels colder because of the rain haha. Thank you! Have a nice Sunday too! ☺️

LunarHuntress’s Profile PhotoYentl (only English and Dutch)
It was always hot in Saudi Arabia. Almighty God didn't give them too much water, but he did give them oil. Arabs appreciated this, that's why they drive gasoline cars. What's going on here in Europe? We have a lot of water, even floods, but European politicians are making electricity cars instead of water-powered cars. I have a question for you, if you want, I will send you this question directly to your profile: What will happen to an electric ambulance when a car with an electric engine drives into a puddle, and the batteries will short circuit after getting into the water and then start burn and explode?
Well in Saudi Arabia its 50 atm Besides that Were lucky this year Temperatures

Die Frage ist je nach Konzept vielleicht etwas spoiler-y aber ich glaube wer nichts verraten will kann vage genug bleiben. Wie kam dein OC zum Racing? 🏎🏁

somewhatunpretentious’s Profile PhotoHitchhiker
Ehrlich gesagt, weiß ich es noch nicht zu 100% aber in der Familie Babnik war es Mama Babnik, die ihre Kinder mit dem Motorsport infiziert hat. Hinzukommen eventuell noch ein Kindergeburtstag und Lightning McQueen bevor es dann richtig mit Karting los ging.
(Darf Bine überhaupt schon Auto fahren? Als Cars erschien war er gerade mal 3 o 4 Jahre alt 😵‍💫 … und wieso gibt es auf Pinterest so viele Bilder von baby kit?)
Die Frage ist je nach Konzept vielleicht etwas spoilery aber ich glaube wer

You meet your 15 year old self , and only you tell them something about life. What do you say and why?

princess567l’s Profile PhotoMiss multiverse
You're not gay. Don't listen to your sister. Don't ever get into long distance. Don't say "yes" to your male best friend. Learn how to do shit. Be besties with that one girl who likes FIFA only. Cherish your Internet friends. Go gym. Dominate ova' multiple useless planets. Study. Learn how to drive cars and learn how they work. Get into sports bikes. Learn how to slap the sh*t out of people.

What's the most daring thing you've ever done?

AliBatman1999’s Profile PhotoAli
Last summer we went to kashmir. Those who have gone to neelum know how bad the road is during rain.
It was 11pm at night, we were late lookin for a hotel to stay. It was raining heavy, our car’s wipers weren’t working, neither were the headlights and we were literally watching live landslide with no one on the road other than us.
Idk if it was daring or not but one of the stupidest, yet funnest things we’ve done. Would do it again for sure.

Do you want to be in my heart ?

My boss went through my personal belongings to try & steal my highlighters that I bought with my personal money & that is the funniest fxcking thing to me. Like how you gonna brag about buying brand new cars outright & being able to buy multiple houses then try & steal your employees highlighters of all things😭😂 lucky for me I took my highlighters home the day I stepped down I guess?😂😂 fxcking PETTY lmao

Suppose I'm your Jin, What three wishes you have for me to do....!

CSBS12’s Profile PhotoValar Morghulis
Well, first is that you always have a steady supply of my favorite food on hand - cause let's be real, good food is one of life's greatest pleasures. Plus any time Iam stuck in traffic, the cars around me turn into singing and dancing performers to put on an impromptu musical number - cause if I have to be stuck somewhere, might as well make it entertaining and lastly if someone tries to argue with me or bring negativity into my life, they suddenly get transported into an alternate dimension. 😤

If you're someone who either drive or take public transport, what conditions would have to be met for you to consider biking to your destination instead? 🚴

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
If cars or public transportation no longer existed lol. I love driving٫ but if it became illegal to drive or for public transportation no longer existed٫ then I'd have no choice but to ride a bicycle or walk.

How do you njoy your lonely time??

lonely_pearl’s Profile Photolonely_pearl
There is alot of things. I train, go on a drive/ ride. Go on a walk or jog.
Work on cars. Learn something new. Netflix and chill. Gaming. Coffee. Travel. Music. Something adventurous. Rarely do nothing and be lazy. Sometimes smoke. List goes on and on and on. It totally depends on my mood.

This might sound drastic or bad to some but if you have a cat and they’re not strictly indoors, then you're a bad owner and shouldn't be allowed to use cats. Do you agree? I know plenty of people who let their cats roam free and 9 out 10 end up ran over by cars, mauled by other animals, or sick.

Mark me down as a TERRIBLE person. Sardine is a farm cat - without him we’d have a rat and rabbit problem (and he’d go absolutely mad if he was kept inside 😂)
This might sound drastic or bad to some but if you have a cat and theyre not

What'd you do if you suddenly grew to be as tall as a highrise building? 🥾🏢

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
If I suddenly skyrocketed to skyscraper stature, I'd probably start by apologizing to the birds for invading their airspace without a permit. Then, I'd have to learn to navigate streets without accidentally picking up cars like stray Legos. And forget about indoor activities - I'd be too busy dodging ceiling fans and accidentally using telephone poles as toothpicks.
But hey, on the bright side, I'd be a shoo-in for basketball tryouts. Slam dunking would be a piece of cake. And don't get me started on the new career prospects. Move over, King Kong - there's a new skyscraper-scaling superstar in town.
Moreover, if I towered over my village like a misplaced Jenga piece, I'd probably start a new career as the world's tallest tourist attraction. Forget about selfies with statues; people would line up to snap pics with me. I'd charge admission, of course. Gotta fund those giant-sized groceries somehow.
But let's be real - being a colossal colossus comes with its challenges. Good luck finding pants that fit. And don't even get me started on the awkward conversations with the neighbors. "Hey, Fey, could you please keep your music down? You're shaking the whole block ... literally."
Oh, and I'd have to invest in a really, really long ladder for those pesky rooftop rescue missions. Firefighters would be out of a job with me around - just call me the friendly neighborhood skyscraper-saver.

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Liked by: nox Sora

I want to leave all social media sites but ironically these are the only distraction for me from life. What to do? Sometimes I feel like I'm loosin it.

Stuff you can do to keep yourself busy:
1) Observe whether the cars you see on the road have Lahore's number plate or not. Maintain an extensive record of the cars which don't have em.
2) Read poetry but make no effort to understand what it actually means.
3) Play ludo on mobile but with bots. The advantages are two-fold: You get to avoid humans and at the same time learn about the thinking patterns of an AI
4) Make tea for the family every hour of the day. Even if they don't want it, just do it. Helps to develop discipline and nicotine tolerance.
5) Wait for the next solar eclipse.

Why is the world materialistic?

I think the world can sometimes feel materialistic cause we are constantly bombarded with messages and images that emphasize material possessions as symbols of success or happiness. We are told that we need to have the latest gadgets, designer clothes, or luxury cars in order to be fulfilled or respected by others. But when we take a step back and reflect on what truly matters in life - things like love, connection, creativity, and personal growth - it becomes clear that material possessions are only one piece of the puzzle. In fact, focusing too much on accumulating stuff can actually detract from our sense of well-being by creating unnecessary stress or financial burdens.
So I think it is important for us to challenge these cultural narratives about materialism and cultivate a deeper awareness of our own values and priorities. By staying connected to what truly matters to us on a soul level - whether it is through relationships, nature, art, spirituality or something else entirely- we can resist the pressures of consumer culture while also living more meaningful and fulfilling lives. 🌻

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What kinds of toys did you enjoy playing with as a kid? 🐻🚂

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I played with everything! At some point, I was even playing with buttons. Yes, everyone here has a box full of buttons for sewing! 😁
My unclebrother had toy cars, I played with cars as well.
I had a massive kinder toy collection- but I wasn't the one eating kinder eggs 😅 I just had the toys.
I had a lot of stuffed animals. Like 200l binbag full of them.
I can say that life was different without phones and computers when I was a kid!

reicht es an f1 wissen, wenn man sich den film cars ansieht? (frage für einen freund)

c...cars? 👁️👄👁️
ne, aber ganz ehrlich, ich glaube nicht dass man wirklich viel f1-wissen mitbringen muss. :D i mean es hilft bestimmt wenn man grob weiß was als fahrer so abgeht, aber ich habe mich bemüht das im steckbrief alles möglichst klar zu gestalten...und im zweifelsfall antworte ich gerne auf alle fragen die man haben könnte. ich rede eventuell ganz gerne über die formel 1. who'd've thunk it

Czy jest różnica kiedy samochód jedzie na automacie bez kierowcy, a samochód prowadzi osoba niewidoma z prawem jazdy ?

womanwithgoodheart’s Profile PhotoDziewczyna z Dobrym sercem ♀❥
Is there a difference when a car drives without a driver and a blind person with a driving license drives the car?
There are two differences: If a car is driving without passengers, the machine will not receive a ticket. If a blind person drives a vehicle, he will get a ticket. Movies sometimes show cars without a driver, but in my opinion a car without a human is a bad idea
Są różnice: Gdy samochód jedzie na automacie bez pasażerów wtedy automat mandatu nie dostanie. Gdy pojazd prowadzi niewidomy wtedy dostanie mandat. Na filmach czasem pokazują samochody bez kierowcy, jak dla mnie samochód bez człowieka to zły pomysł

I see you like the Boss Mustang. Any favorite vintage fastback or is that it?

The 1954 Chevrolet Corvair "Fastback" show car (based on the 1954 Corvette) wasn't bad but when it comes to that style, the 1963 Chevrolet Corvette "Split Window" pictured below is probably my favorite. Styling was more aggressive and perhaps more typical of sports cars from that era. Man, I was born in the wrong timeline... 🤣
I see you like the Boss Mustang Any favorite vintage fastback or is that it

Why do people like vintage cars? They aren't cool

> Why do people like vintage cars?
They can be great investments. 1969 Ford Mustang Boss 429 pictured below. Under $3,500 when new. It's over $300,000 today. If you're fortunate enough to find one.
> They aren't cool
Are you sure? A profit of $296,500 seems pretty cool to me. It looks like a beast too. I'm too tall for a Prius. I'd look like I'm wearing it. 🤣 This thing is pure class... 👍
Why do people like vintage cars They arent cool

We all go through a lot. When we want to park our cars there. If there was an easier way, I would try it. At Olive Garden. You should see their parking lot! Plenty of room for my monster truck. -Sage

It was always impossible to find a parking spot at Queensbury Olive Garden. Definitely no room for monster truck. Maybe Alexander Monroe’s golf cart. 🤣

What is something you would never spend money on, even if you could technically afford it? 🙅

anonamouse89887’s Profile Photoanonamouse
I'd never buy plane tickets to Dubai! As an urban planning student, I cringe every time I think of that city. It embodies everything that can go wrong in urban development 😒🏙️
Sum of it is, they built a city in the middle of nowhere with the only purpose of attracting those seeking luxury. Incorporating many of the worst urban planning practices in the process, such as vast American style suburbs and huge highways dividing the city. This makes cars the only viable way to get around as there is no public transport to speak of. Then there are the flashy and completely pointless skyscrapers, including the Burj Khalifa which doesn't even have a functioning sewer system. Every day tens of trucks arrive to suck everything out. They have endless golf courses which require an absolutely eyewatering amount of irrigation to stay alive. To top it all off you have the palm islands, built by destroying acres of coral reefs, the one biologically diverse area which was worth saving. Instead of building on the endless amounts of desert space, they're left with an island chain which is sinking for everyday that goes and is very vulnerable to climate change. Soon it won't just be the famous hotel on there which will be called Atlantis.
They had all the money and space to spare to make a truly unique city, one which could've been a celebration of Middle-Eastern culture which would still attract tourists but for a different and more meaningful reason. Instead they chose to cater to the worst in society. Cherry on top, it was built on sl@ve labor, desperate people from places like India and Bangladesh are tricked to come and work in construction. Passports are taken and wages withheld for months. Not earning nearly enough to send money to their families, often relying on borrowing money to even survive, making a return home even more impossible.
(Not my picture. But look at that suburban dystopia 😨)

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What is something you would never spend money on even if you could technically

Is Andrew Tate good person?

I don't know but I get the appeal. I get how someone who probably grew up with no father or someone who grew up with father that neglected them, no strong, positive male role models in their life, no healthy, good, loving father figures in their life would look at someone like Andrew Tate and think he's the next Jesus and messiah and he's here to save all the men and their manhood. He speaks little bit about their issues and struggles and they are ready to throw all their money at him. "Please teach me master! I want to be as kewl as you, bro! I wanna get the cars, the money and de pusi bro!" You already know that someone, who has been hurt or rejected a lot, is probably very feeble and simple minded, doesn't really have their own mind and is very impressionable would absolutely fall head over heels in love with their kewl alfa daddy Top G because he's everything that they want to be. But you have to realize that it's just an image and it is a business for him to take young men under his wing for a "little membership fee". Good for him to make a living from preying on gullible, lost, hurt and confused young men haha. To me personally he's a complete dickcheese. Which means he comes off very cheesy, corny, pretentious and fake to me. I see through that fake macho male bullshit. I grew up around it and it is so easy for me to pick it apart and see through it. See that it is just an act. He's going to say couple things that are going to resonate with you to pull you in but then the rest of it is just someone who probably listened to too much Pitbull and seen too many James Bond movies. I think the fact that he blew up and became so popular shows that a lot of men are truly lost and confused about what it means to be a man or what a "real man" is supposed to do in their life. It's actually very sad. Our fathers failed us all badly. What we needed was loving, supportive, mature, caring, and wise fathers to guide our lives. That's where the real "strength", "confidence", and "manliness" actually come from. What we got instead was overgrown boys, that were emotionally stunt, emotionally unavailable, passive aggressive, inexperienced, too prideful, with too much ego, all action no theory or all theory no action, toxic mindset, broken, overconfident while being scared of everything that would actually make you grow as a person. What I'm saying is people like that SHOULDN'T have kids. At least until they fix themselves. Or the cycle will never end.

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Давайте музыкальные ассоциации к словам и словосочетаниям?) • безвременье • подводный • электрический разряд • чистое небо • шорох в темноте • цвет снов •

cosmicat’s Profile Photomitternacht
А давайте!)) Посмотрим, что из этого выйдет xD Объяснить, вероятно, не смогу, но..)) Спасибо за вопрос, это было занимательно!
Безвременье - Chasing cars by Snow Patrol
Подводный - First light by Hozier
Электрический разряд - Too young to die by Agent Orange
Чистое небо - Afraid no more by Bukahara
Шорох в темноте - Be More by Stephen Sanchez
Цвет снов - Wonder by The Rose
Если кто-то всё это послушает, дайте знать о своих впечатлениях.
Давайте музыкальные ассоциации к словам и словосочетаниям  безвременье

What sounds do you find relaxing? 😌👂

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Nature sounds, namely water flowing, rain, leaves rustling, and birds chirping. I love white noise, probably more than the average person. Like, multiple fans blowing, an AC unit running, etc, I get SO relaxed. 🤣 I also find street noise oddly relaxing, like especially late at night, when it’s not super busy and you hear the odd cars and trucks going by. 😌
What sounds do you find relaxing

> (sage) What car do u drive - Cars are sooo 2023. We ride donkeys, Sage. Get with the times! 🤣🤣🤣 💗

talionislexx’s Profile PhotoLex Talionis
Yeah, race cars and monster trucks are out. Should have kept the donkey! Now the donkey is harassing Lecks because he’s trying to get to Brooklyn all by himself. 🤣🤣🤣💗

How much would you rate the places you've lived at from best to worst?

The worst place I lived was Ashford, Kent, most of the other places I've lived were all average? Forest Hill was loud living on the main road and we may have had a dog fighting ring behind the estate, camberwell was really dirty and had a reputation for dr*g users taking over the local park etc but none of them were AWFUL. I like where I like now, it's quiet, there's litter sure but no worse than camberwell, less cars and traffic, more space. I like it.

Que quieres mostrar ❓

A las de kiev no quiero que le echen mal de ojo ✨quisiera mostrarlas son 7🌙 .I remember that I had an ask for the one in white 👌years ago ✨ she spoke to me on all social networks and I also saw her in person, then I started publishing thousands of followers and my money examples and then my ask was full of followers that's why I I started using it more in 2021, now it doesn't show my thousands of followers like before because it makes a Latina jealous and it gets deleted, the ones it showed were European, you must remember my first ask that had publications and in this new one ask ✨ of the dozens of posts from followers, only 4 were left, it was deleted due to someone's jealousy and several look like the Ukrainian 😚 the ones that I have are from Kiev, the dd below is from Odessa, my lovers from Kiev are several, that's why I want I live in that city, I also have many followers from that city, I have already shown them before also from TV or luxury cars, I showed that they followed me✨ I hope I let them show again later.

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Que quieres mostrar

How skilled are you at driving a vehicle with a manual transmission?

Neo_gs’s Profile PhotoRelease The Kraken
I have a driver's license which cover cars with manual transmission. Except for some very minor exceptions, I've only ever driven stick! Though nowadays I don't really drive much, I try my best to travel by bike, bus or train and it works out quite well for me! So I often feel very rusty once I sit down behind the wheel 🚘
How skilled are you at driving a vehicle with a manual transmission

"Nereli olduğunu söylemeden bana 3 kelime ile anlat"?

Tubaaa_111’s Profile PhotoTubaaa_111
Ayasofya. Tarihi Yarımada'yı gezmeye başlamak için en doğru yer Ayasofya Cami. ...
Topkapı Sarayı ...
Kapalı Çarşı (Grand Bazaar) ...
Bozdoğan Su Kemeri. ...
Yerebatan Sarnıcı ...
Çemberlitaş ...
Galata Kulesi. ...
Ahrida Sinagogu. gibi yerleri meşhurdur

He has a Gucci belt but drives a Camry ?

I see nothing wrong with that. Tbh, Camrys are great cars and many buy them for the longevity. Simply because someone doesn’t have an expensive vehicle doesn’t necessarily imply anything. From experience, I have seen many people have huge houses and not so expensive vehicles and vice versa.
People choose to spend their money the way they would like to. Always remember that the way people maneuver certain things, doesn’t necessarily reflect anything in particular. Again, that’s their life and it is what it is.

Language: English