Ask @AnnDeeM

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Why Allah don't love kaffirs when he made them?

This is purely the delusion of those so called muslims.imagine he made this universe and much more,made the mankind,gave everyone freewill and at the end of the day said oh i hate the infidels,but will provide them provision,happiness,content,sadness,rain,crops so on and so forth,everything he is providing since day one to everyone be it muslim or not?
What kinda hate is this?
This agenda is pushed by muslims just like jews think they are the chosen one 😑

Plucking eyebrows is haram. 🙂

کسی چیز کو اپنی زبان سے جھوٹ موٹ نہ کہہ دیا کرو کہ یہ حلال ہے اور یہ حرام ہے کہ اللہ پر جھوٹ بہتان باندھ لو، سمجھ لو کہ اللہ تعالیٰ پر بہتان بازی کرنے والے کامیابی سے محروم ہی رہتے ہیں 16:116
Only Allah can say whats halal or haram,and nowhere it says its Quran before passing fatwas.

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How do you find strength during tough times, and how has this evolved over the years?

zaidwali915’s Profile PhotoZaid Wali
There were few tough times in my life but idt they had such hold on me,i panic but i kinda dont care too.
I cant even think of the time where i had to gather courage or be strong to face any circumstance.Alhamdullilah for that.


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