

Ask @MarissaHill

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You are lucky to have very nice 2 sisters & 1 brother.Must be having very fun at home.Correct?

Not really my older sister is 21 has a son and doesn't live here
My brother is 20 and lives with his grandma
And my little sister is a handful to say the lease

What does it mean when a girl smiles at a boy?

It can mean many things girls are confusing I'm one and I don't understand us

If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

This is personal so I'm not saying

If you could have a superpower for 24 hours which power would you have and what would you do

purplesean’s Profile PhotoSean
Invisibility and stalk people lol

Do you have any brothers and sisters? Tell me about them.

My older sister is amazing I tell her everything she's been one of my best friends forever
I have a step brother and he's been my brother since I was eight and I'm so happy he is
My little sister is a huge hand full and even though she's hurt me a lot and always trying to fight with me I still love her

What is your favorite subject in school and why?

Elementary school music because I love music high school music and hospitality


Language: English