@MaryJane214#16 🇺🇸

Mary Jane

What's the best / worst thing about what you do? Like your job, what you study etc. 💼📚

TobbeAsks’s Profile PhotoTobbe
Best thing about my job is being able to work with a couple of my sister's and seeing them often. Worst thing is being attached to my job 24/7 through my phone. I have to always be available to answer emails, calls, or text even when I'm not at work.
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Because sometimes some things are just better left unsaid. 🤐

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Heights and hospitals. I had some traumatizing experiences. I still don't care for either.

So excited to see women getting the recognition they deserve in music and in sports💪💪💪

That's right! 🙌👏

Why do girls love a guy who's a bit of a player?

No thank you, not this woman. That's more of a turnoff. I prefer a loyal and solid one.

Do you workout?

meeshyluv116’s Profile Photomeeshyluv11
I've been on a major kick lately. The other day I laughed because I scratched my arm and felt it firming up. Okaaay muscles muscling.. I feel you.. lmao! 💪😂🤣

Do you feel bad when you’re dishonest with someone?

I'm honest, so there's no reason to feel bad. Maybe being too honest might have me feeling bad. Keep that ish 💯!

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