
Mikayla Peacock

Ask @MikaylaPeacock15

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Is it easier to forgive or forget?

Definitely forgiving. You can easily forgive someone, but forgetting what a person did or how they treated you? Nah you dont forget that.

If you were going to get a tattoo, what would it be and where?

Im thinking on getting a Stitch tattoo on my arm.

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Have u gotten ur period? (this is coming from a girl and I'm just asking because I have not gotten it yet and mostly everyone did and I'm scared!!)

Your time will come, its nothing really exciting or anything to brag about. Everyones body is different so some bloom later than others. Dont stress over it and just enjoy life :)

Would you like to go on a date with someone you meet on the Internet?

I would rather know them in real life and be friends with them first but I'm not totally against it

What kind of 'hurt', hurts the most? Getting hurt bc you find out your best friend was lieing to you or getting hurt bc your friend told the truth?

Lying, definitely. I would rather be hurt from the truth than to be happy with a lie, cause finding out it was a lie would hurt worse in the end.
Liked by: Azzire Ramirez


Language: English