

Ask @Mila_Xox3

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Are you currently happy with where you are in life?

Not at all, I’ve been working towards a better future for myself. 🤩🤩

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If you loved someone but they were lying to you about who they were, basically acting. Was it real love?


Favorite song?

It’s not my fave song but it’s stuck in my head. 🙄
“Never Be The Same” - Camilla Cabello

Is your job boring?

FreshICYGirl’s Profile PhotoBe Yourself Always
Veeerrry boring 😭😭😭 but I’ve applied for an Internship and it’s starts next month so I’ll get to do something different!! 😁😁 I’m excited!! 🤗🤗🤗

I don’t wanna pay full price for an iPhone X so where should I look since I don’t wanna pay full price ?

You can find Jesper ones on Amazon/EBay but those are refurbished so be careful bc they aren’t really manufactured by Apple meaning they won’t be under Apple warranty!!

Are you able to sleep around with someone without developing feelings?

MaryJane214’s Profile PhotoMary Jane
No, that’s disgusting. I’m not desperate nor a sex addict.

do you still celebrate your birthday?

I have since I’ve been alive and I plan to but idk if I will or not this year.

do we really heal or we just getting used to it?

You honestly just get use to it. “You can get use to anything if you’re around it long enough.”

If you show somebody genuine loyalty and they never appreciate you or treat you with mutual respect should they be angry when you step back from being there all the time?

No they shouldn’t but they will be bc people like that think they can tested you badly & use you & that you will always let them and be there for them like a loyal dog. 🤬🤬🤬

Shes so mad because you’re way prettier 🤷🏽‍♀️ she even knows it too

*Flips hair* 😏


Language: English