

Ask @Millierawrz

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I'm unblocking everyone on my black list. If you get this, this means you're unblocked as of now. :)

I'm actually concerned that someone blocked me on here tbh, I don't ask anyone anything really
Liked by: anime queen

Oh yeah, because above education, the NHS, zero hour contracts, poverty and creating a fair immigration system that is healthy and benefits those coming over here and those who were born here, comes the indoor smoking ban. What a bunch of cunts.

They also want to scrap sex education, scrap child benefits for people with more than 2 kids and increase how much we spend on nuclear deterrents and I don't understand how people can think any of that is necessary

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Oh I didn't know you could compare the manifestos like that! That's why UKIP scare me. In a short time they would run the UK into the ground.

A lot of their policies are really pointless as well, like they want to get rid of the smoking ban in pubs ??

I find it hard to believe anyone would vote for UKIP, I am currently using the word "farage" as my favourite insult. As in, "shut up you sexist farage!"

Haha that's brilliant!
Liked by: Yuffie

I do have to say that I don't know enough about the Lib Dems, but it does make me a little joyous when I see Nick Clegg condemning some of D.Cameron's statements/policies - it's nice to know he's not just blindly following the dick. I'm sorry that your Mum is doing that. If UKIP get in... it scares

I read through all the manifesto's because the BBC have this thing where you can compare them all and I agreed with most of the Lib Dem one.
I think a lot of people don't understand UKIP's policies which is why they're willing to vote for them, my dad was going to vote for them until he read through some of the things they plan on doing. They'll seriously ruin this country if they got in power.

Who are you going to be voting for later today? ^-^ I'll be voting for Labour. I would never in my entire life, throw my lot in with UKIP. I have a registered grade 3 disability and mental health issues and I'm the sort of person they show hatred towards, among others.

I really support the Lib Dems but they're so unpopular lately and I feel like it'd be a wasted vote so i'm voting Labour :)
UKIP are honestly disgusting, my mum is voting for them and i'm really upset about it because they'd just make life harder for me and people who already struggle as it is.
Liked by: Yuffie

are you voting tomorrow?

For my UK followers on here: If you're registered to vote please please do so tomorrow. It might seem pointless but it'd really really suck if UKIP got into power or at least got a seat on someone's local council. They're disgustingly racist, sexist, ableist, classist and homophobic and they'll make this country a really fucking horrible place.

Where in Japan are you planning on staying?

Tsukuba hopefully, it's about 45 minutes away from Tokyo and it's roughly the same size as the city I live in now so that might make me feel more at home.
Me and my dad want to fly over next summer to have a look at the uni tbh

If you have anxiety why do you want to live in an entire new country on your own?

Believe me i've had so many anxiety attacks about the thought of doing so and I've thought multiple times that maybe I should stay in England but I can imagine that if I did I'd regret it for the rest of my life.
I'm willing to try my hardest to do this and overcome whatever obstacles are in my path and in the end i'll be really happy with myself.
Me and my dad also emailed the university about my health and they were really helpful so it's sort of made me feel a little more comfortable.

But isn't Jean in love with Mikasa?

I think Jean just has a crush on her, it's sort of implied that he has a crush on Krista too.
It's really heavily implied that Marco had feelings for Jean and I wouldn't be surprised if Jean returned them.
With what Isayama is like I wouldn't be surprised if Jean was Bi.
Also take into consideration that no one in Attack On Titan gives a shit about sexuality, Nobody cares that Ymir and Krista are a couple and Krista is royalty.
Also Jean and Marco shared bunks as cadets and I refuse to accept that in 3 years they didn't spoon each other.
Liked by: Soy Sauce

How did you start shipping JeanMarco?

The scene where Marco is telling Jean what an amazing leader he is and how he'd follow him regardless of the situation was the starting point I think
& Marco uses himself to distract a Titan from Jean and I mean, he had to love him to do that
Also JeanMarco is cute as hell
Liked by: Soy Sauce

I don't get why people keep calling Mikasa a 'stalker'. She had to watch both her biological parents, as well as her adoptive mother, die in front of her. Eren rescued her, of course she's going to feel an attachment to him and want to protect him, he's the only family she has left, besides Armin.

It's because she's a girl, if it was the other way round and Eren was female and Mikasa was male nobody would care.
It happens a lot with Naruto tbh, whenever he's trying to protect Sakura or Hinata nobody really cared but whenever Hinata showed the slightest bit of concern for Naruto it was weird.
Liked by: Soy Sauce Taylan G

Lol my dad just told me and my sister that our other sister was unplanned as f*ck ?

I don't really understand what's hilarious about that??
I don't think I know anyone who planned their kids
Liked by: Soy Sauce Matt

When you found out who the colossal and armoured titans were, dis it surprise you? What about the truth behind the wall?

Ok in Episode 3 when Eren was talking about the Titans someone asks him about the Armoured Titan and he says something like "It didn't look too special to me" and the next shot is of the person who's the Armoured Titan so it was kinda obvious from that and there's a scene where they're fighting the female Titan and steam is coming off him where he's healing. It's not really surprising for me I just hate that both of them will probably die when one of them is one of my favourite characters.
Liked by: Soy Sauce


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