

Ask @Millierawrz

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Why do you like Attack On Titan so much?

Ok but get this
Isayama was talking about Levi and he mentioned that the vast majority of the people who read Attack On Titan are female and i'm so happy because he's made such a great series with a long list of strong female characters with pretty brutal themes and girls are reading it and loving it
Liked by: Soy Sauce p

Why do you obsess over Mikasa when she's a psycho stalker

Mikasa? She was 9 years old when her parents were killed and all she wanted was to live a peaceful life and keep to herself. More family ripped from her when she was 10. Loses Eren over and over during the series resulting in suicidal thoughts, tears, rash behavior because she’s grasping for the only thing she has left. All she wanted was a quiet peaceful life and to be close to Eren for the duration of that.
No one says Mikasa did nothing wrong, she didn't deserve any of that, it's not her fault etc etc. Instead she’s a "psycho stalker".
lol okay.

Are you hard-working or lazy?

I'm trying to do college work but i'm slowly losing the will to do anything other than watch Bargain Hunt and read Attack On Titan fanfics
Liked by: Soy Sauce

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Do You Think The Past Matters In A Relationship?

Skylar Fernandez
To an extent yes.
I've been in relationships with people who have cheated in the past and it just totally ruins trust if you're not aware of these things and find out randomly.
I'm not really concerned with previous relationships or who they were as a person unless it'll directly affect me.

How do you know that you're in love?

There's a post on Tumblr saying something like "You know you're in love when you could listen to their voice for hours on end" and every single time it's on my dash anime characters are in the tags and it's just glorious

QOTD: What is your preferred form of entertainment? (Examples: movies, tv shows, plays, musicals, comic books, books etc...)

Comics tbh, I spend hours on a weekend reading them
Liked by: Soy Sauce

What is the most important thing your country has given to the world?

My mum now think's it's totally ok to be racist now she's voting for UKIP and she keeps banging on about "foreigners taking up jobs in the NHS" and I really don't understand the logic behind this because when I was really young she had to have life saving surgery and it just so happened the doctor that performed the surgery was Iranian and I really don't understand what she's trying to achieve by talking out of her arse because if people from abroad are more qualified to do a job then that's totally cool with me.

Why aren't you voting UKIP?

Because i'm aware of most of their policies and they're absolutely horrendous. I'm genderfluid but physically a female and i'm not straight, nothing they plan on doing will support me in the slightest, read this article:https://leftfootforward.org/2014/05/15-reasons-women-shouldnt-vote-for-ukip/ . The fact they're publicised for been strong on changing our immigrations laws is absolute bs because if you read every other parties manifesto they want to change those same laws and all of them are better. Leaving Europe will ruin this country, we import almost everything from Europe. I could list about 50 other reasons but their joke of a manifesto is on the BBC site and you can compare it with everyone elses.
Also Nigel Farage is a disgusting excuse for a human being, while people were freakin' dying in Nepal all he was bothered about is how much money we were going to waste helping them with aid.

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Liked by: ➶ Asralyn ➷

I'm bummed silent hills fell through

Uh, I'm not really fussed.
I only enjoyed the first game and the only reason I was sort of hyped for it was because of Norman Reedus but I don't really care tbh

Hopefully they stay good even once Kojima is officially gone

I have high hopes for The Phantom Pain tbh (It also comes out 4 days before my birthday so yay)
Liked by: Ash Oates

lmao I don't think anything, besides maybe Metal Gear, is that convoluted lore wise.

I've played Metal Gear consistently since I was a kid and it still confuses me jfc
Liked by: Ash Oates


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