

Ask @Millierawrz

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adventure time sheets omfff

There was a time when everyone kept asking me where I got them from and it was the single most annoying thing but no one has asked me in awhile so yes friend, adventure time sheets indeed.
They're hella cosy
Liked by: DraconicBlaze

How do you think it would affect our planet if clothes and human skin were entirely transparent and anyone could see your internal organs, blood vessels etc. by just taking a glance at you? Why?

tw suicide
I would actually rather end my own life than live in a world like that because even been able to see my veins faintly though my skin is enough to make me want to throw up as it is.

Why has your college put your off been a journalist?

I just feel like everything i'm been taught is so contrived instead of having any relevance to what I want to do. None of the tutors are actually teachers they just have experience in the music industry which isn't a bad thing but because what I want to do is very much orientated towards the english language they don't help me out. We also seem to get taught a lot of unnecessary things and I feel like it's a total waste of my time to be there for the majority of my lessons because I could actually go to work which benefits me more than learning how to manage a musician, something I have absolutely no interest in.
To be fair I did apply for the college when I was still very much struggling with depression to put it lightly.
I originally wanted to work with animals and because I have the opportunity to go to another college in September to work towards that I can't wait to go there instead.

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you constantly get picked at for you what you go through. you dont deserve that. you deserve support. good luck in what you do millie

Awh thanks lovely!
It actually doesn't bother me because if you feel the need to sit and hide online and try to hurt someone else you clearly have issues of you own and I really pity people who feel the need to do that

social anxiety but goes to a gym ok then

One of the reasons my anxiety has worsened is because I don't like the way I look so be happy because you clearly have such an issue with my problems and hopefully they're going to get better :))
I had a gym membership all of last year but went once because I panicked that much so it's a pretty big thing for me to buck up the courage to go and some anon on the internet who clearly has issues of their own to constantly try to pick apart my problems isn't going to dictate how I live my life so bye now


I did a spin class at the gym earlier and I woke up to pee and I think i'm dying because I hurt so much and I have yoga at 10 in the morning too
I will lose weight to look good in this top and I don't even care

Is learning the Japanese language annoying?

In a sense yes because I have to deal with annoying ass white people misusing Japanese words
Senpai is my biggest annoyance
because there's so many people who think it's something sexual
and it literally means mentor and some juniors in school call the older students senpai too
and kawaii annoys me
because people mispronounce it and it's like fine if you want to use that word because it has many pop-culture references nowadays but for the love of god please look up how to pronounce it
but overall I enjoy learning new languages

What is something you want right now?

Someone is basically trying to argue with me that 50 Shades of Trash isn't abuse
"but it's BDSM"
No honey. Rape, stalking and kidnapping is not BDSM.
Get the fuck outta here!


Language: English