

Ask @Millierawrz

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What in particular personality wise are you attracted to? (:

Your Senpai
I used to have a phase where I seemed to attract people who treated me like shit but I think that's stopped so idek
Liked by: y0 gem

if you didn't ioslate yourself form everyone and indulge in self-pity you wouldn't be so depressed. stop being a coward and do something about it

yes i'll just do something about a chemical imbalance in my brain that I can't control or cure
thanks very much for your 10/10 advice mate
fun fact: I don't pity myself, i just get on with my life so lol bye.

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Which town did you grow up in?

York in England. It's pretty
Guaranteed I won't get out of bed tomorrow now i'm replaying Majora's Mask
Liked by: Cobwxbs

why would I ask you for nudes, you're grim.

I'm not even going to reveal who you are because you're such a pathetic attention seeker I'd rather not give you the satisfaction. I think I have better things to do than make up that a 15 year old asked me for nudes, don't you agree?
You're rude and disgusting and if you send me anything again I'll printscreen the messages you sent me and reveal what an utter creature you are.
Oh and been on anon is hilarious tbh.

How do you deal with people that blame you for everything? Even if you aren't doing anything, they blame you for their emotions while not taking into account how they affected you emotionally? It's like they are scrutinizing you before you have done anything/anticipate or hope for you to mess up?

Once again, this sounds like my mum.
I tend to shout a lot

Can you name one thing that irritates you, and one thing that makes you happy?(: (I might try sending out another riddle challenge thing, but nobody got passed round 2 last time ;-;)

Your Senpai
My mum annoys me, she woke me up repeatedly last night and this morning, came into my room to get me up for college an hour earlier than I have to get up then she opened my window really wide then I shut it because it's freezing and I was only in a tshirt and pyjama shorts so she shouted out me -.-

Do you believe in the death penalty? Picture this- A man has murdered his wife, and then molested his 7 year old daughter before killing her also. He has been reported for threatening them a few times before. Does he deserve the death sentence, or life in prison? (Sorry for my question spam today!)

Your Senpai
I think it totally depends on the situation. They might of been mentally unstable making them less accountable for their actions which in my opinion means they should spend life in prison or preferably a secure hospital. I'm also not sure whether someone with that level of depravity would care much for their victims so I doubt keeping them alive would do anything to punish them. If they killed for the sake of killing and clearly showed no remorse they should have their life taken, It also keeps prison space down and we wouldn't be paying to keep them alive


nd once again The Daily Mail is trying to justify a murder by saying video games cause people to be violent
"He also had a keen interest in ultra-violent video games, including Dark Souls II, in which players hack zombies to pieces."
How about you look into what a video game is about before claiming it makes people into murderers and how about actually realising our society brushes mental illnesses under the rug instead of blaming everything else

What's your opinion on smoking? I'm 15, and I find it incredibly arousing when a girl smokes, I also enjoy it myself. Would you date a guy who smokes?

I used to then I realised weed is cheaper and nicer soooooooo

What is your opinion on domestic abuse from females towards males? (Domestic abuse is common, especially in same-sex couples, however I have noticed that when women hit men it isn't considered a problem, but rather an act of comedy)

Your Senpai
It's definitely less common as the majority of the time men are the perpetrators of domestic violence but it's still disgusting if a woman is beating up her partner.

Cyborg & Holly ep.1: (▰˘◡˘▰) 'Can I have pink marshmallow?' (◡‿◡✿) 'We only have white!' (▰˘◡˘▰) 'Can I kill you with a smile?' (◡‿◡✿) 'We only accept grimaces!' (▰˘◡˘▰) 'Can I speak to your leader?' (◡‿◡✿) 'We only have minions!' (▰˘◡˘▰) 'Can I kill you with a spoon?' (◡‿◡✿) 'We only have forks!'

Getting a new gaming PC for Christmas and I am so excited ok

What is your opinion on cloning? (In case you did not know, it is now possible to clone living things, they cloned a sheep a few years ago by using some of the original sheeps cells)

Your Senpai
Like I know people want to clone their dead kids which is pretty fucked up imo, like they'd just treat the kid like they were their dead sibling
fun fact: Dolly The Sheep was created the year I was born

Buy some merch! www.anempirewillfall.bigcartel.com

If you guys have a manager he's doing a very crappy job of increasing your reach on social media.
Offer a free single or something, impress me with your music and marketing skills. Don't just send me some anon question telling me to pay £5 for a t shirt when you have done nothing to make me support your music.
I'm going to like your page but you have to work on your marketing because it's embarassing


Language: English