

Ask @Millierawrz

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Uncharted just looks like Tomb Raider with a guy tbh

Lara Croft is in my opinion the shittest protagonist of any game I have ever had the misfortune to play.
The Tomb Raider series should be nailed in a coffin, set on fire then pushed out to sea.

What's a moment from when you were a kid that your parent(s)/guardian still bring up to tease you about?

In the Burger King in my town they used to have a big fish tank and my mum wouldn't let me sit near it and I threw this massive tantrum and threw food everywhere and my mum was really shocked because I was a really quiet child and the manager gave up us free food because he felt bad

what upcoming video games are you looking forward to?

Bayonetta 2 especially since it's out on Thursday and she is seriously the best female protagonist ever
The Evil Within and Alien Isolation because I have to wait till next week to get them :c
Pokemon Omega Ruby
The Legend Of Zelda U
Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley
Final Fantasy 15
Uncharted 4
AC Unity and Rogue
Far Cry 4
and obviously... Attack On Titan: The Last Wings Of Mankind

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Where and when do you get your best ideas?

I have been trying to do coursework for like 5 hours and all i've done is watch anime and buy some Attack On Titan tights with Levi on them

When going to the movies, do you buy the theater's snacks, or like me, hit up the dollar store and stuff your purse/bag/pockets? ⊂( ̄(エ) ̄)⊃

I actually really hate going to the cinema purely because people always talk or mess around in the cinema near my house and I really hate it when i'm trying to watch something
I may have to go see the next Hobbit film though :3 but I usually buy one of the really expensive slushies and a bag of skittles from the cinema

I watched it and I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I liked how it was from the "villain's" point of view, and that it was a different take on the Sleeping Beauty story. I liked how Angelina Jolie portrayed Maleficent as well, like the way she turned from warm-hearted to cold.

The scene where she had her wings ripped off really bothered me idk
but at comic con there was someone cosplaying as her and it was absolutely amazing

do you think people murder or kill themselves because of violent video games or tv?

quoting Marilyn Manson for this one:
I'm sick of people who always try to blame movies, bands, songs, or talk shows for whatever – teen suicides, drug overdoses or everything else. If someone is stupid enough to kill himself because of a song, then that's exactly what they deserve – they weren't contributing anything to the society – it's one less idiot in the world. There's too many people – if more people kill themselves over music, it wouldn't disappoint me. What would disappoint me is that people are that stupid.

I agree with you about Frozen. I'm a fan of darker Disney movies and I was annoyed at how hyped up this movie was made to be. I watched it and honestly felt like I'd wasted an hour of my life. It was another princess story, that was practically the same as all the others.

I watched Brave like a few weeks after and I thought that was really good and it annoyed me that it didn't get the hype Frozen did.
Also, have you seen Malificent yet?

Frozen was good!

Let It Go has almost the same backing track as Firework by Katy Perry and the sheer effort that went into those lyrics nearly killed me.
The princesses were dull, stereotypical white girls.
Not a single moment of the film held my attention or was in any way memorable

How does one get a female to speak to them and to like them?

Don't. Females will rip out your heart, cover it in ketchup and eat it for tea

oh, they look lovely :) how much were they and wear did you get them from?

They look grey in photos but they're actually a really deep blue -.-
Uhm I think they were about £20 and I got them from the Tokyo Toys stall at Comic Con but they have a website and a cute little shop in London and I know Pinky Paradise is supposed to be a great website to get them from :)

post a photo of yourself with lenses in please I want to see the difference :) and is it hard to get them in and out and do they hurt your eyes?

It's down to practice to get them in because each person will have a way that's easier to get them in but to get them out you basically have to gently squeeze the lense off your eye which sounds gross but isn't. Your eyes might feel a little bit itchy when you put them in or after wearing them but you can just use eye drops to moisten them again. As long as you keep them extremely clean, wash your hands before messing around with your eyes and keep your nails short you shouldn't have a problem :)


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