

Ask @Millierawrz

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What makes you smile?

autieh’s Profile Photo♥︎ Autumn ♥︎
I have college tomorrow and if the girl from this posh boarding school starts banging on that she's met Rihanna or some such bs I will punch her because life has just been a big fuck you to me this week
Liked by: Ash Oates

What is one thing you would never wear?

Ok so basically my cat Simba went missing on Monday and we found him today. He'd been knocked over by a car and he's been buried near my old cat who died in 2010. I really appreciate people asking me if i'm ok but i'm not so i'm sorry if i'm blunt or rude to you. I'm not trying to be a dick but I feel completely drained and I hope people understand

Michael Fassbender is such a great actor though, it's cool to have such a high-profile actor attached to a game adaptation :D

Ash Oates
I appreciate his acting tbh so fingers crossed that it's brilliant
Liked by: Ash Oates

How do you think the Assassin's Creed movie with Michael Fassbender will end up? :)

I don't know that much about it other than we'll be waiting till 2016 for it but it sounds promising. If it's pulled off well hopefully we'll get more movies based off video games (still hoping for an Elder Scrolls movie over here)
Liked by: Ash Oates

What is the best commercial you’ve ever seen?

Some Japanese advert about housing and it had a racoon with massive balls in it

Do you find it ridiculous that you can't wear hats/beanies in school? My friend just got sent to in school (detention all day) because he didn't want to take his off.

autieh’s Profile Photo♥︎ Autumn ♥︎
Surprising my school didn't have a problem with hats but they went batshit crazy because I had my lobes stretched. It's a pointless rule because they try and justify it by saying there's rules in a workplace so that's why they do it but seriously, if someone won't give me a job because of how I look or how I dress then i'd rather not work for them ya know. I also think it's damaging for teenagers because you're trying to find an identity and people come and tell you it's wrong. I'm sorry for ranting but stuff like this annoys me because my school didn't do shit about 5 years of bullying but they were straight on the case when I got a piercing


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