

Ask @Millierawrz

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did you get anything nice for your birthday btw?

I got a kindle from my mum which saves me carrying loads of books around in my bag :)
I also got some money for videogames, a psp off my cousin, pet rabbit off my boyfriend and some clothes off my stepmum
Liked by: Soy Sauce

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do you know anyone racist?

so so many people.
but my ex step brother who's in the army really takes the cake, he shared a link about how two muslim men slit a "disabled white christian mans" throat followed by some stupid rant about how they should go home.
Firstly the link was bs to excuse islamaphobia
Secondly just because you sit on your arse in a military base in Cyprus doing nothing does not make you immune from the label of a racist prat.
Liked by: Alby Dumblewhore

what was it like living in a hospital?

The nurses would leave a room full of needles and scalpels unlocked in what was essentially a house full of kids who self harmed.
I don't even need to say more to prove how badly the NHS treat people with mental illnesses

how long are you at college for? can you get online there?

start at 10, finish at 4 T_T
I'm not sure but I think so because when I went to enroll people were using their laptops and I really hope so because then I can get on here and vent
Also i'm taking my ds so I can trade Pokemon

why is your ex saying you slept around?

because he doesn't want to people to know what an utter prat he actually is -.-
the first rumour he spread about me was that me and my friend Bella forced him to self harm and I have never found something more hilarious in my entire life

Ah right, it's my first year in college, the ice breakers are horrible. Social Anxiety can happen upon anyone, I'm a boy, and I'm confident in how i look because I'm well built, but i can't control my nervousness when i meet new people and I'm expected to "have a chat", it makes me shake.

I had to leave my original college because my ex was harassing me -.-
it's totally shitty tbh

Ohh, i asked because I have done the same at my college. But at college everybody should be allowed to be themselves, and nobody should disrespect that. Telling people to "man up" is so pathetic

it's a music college so they'll be people who have the same interests as me but it's an induction day so i'll be expected to introduce myself and it's making me feel sick
it's my 2nd college in a year so i feel like i have to impress people as well


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