

Ask @Millierawrz

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happy birthday for tomorrow!

I'd rather slit my throat than sit through a day of absolute bullshit tomorrow that has nothing to do with me turning 18 but more to do with my mum wanting an excuse to drink.
Liked by: Soy Sauce

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do you get angry easily?

I rant a lot because many things annoy me.
like IGN moaning that the new Mortal Kombat is too gory when children will play it. Seriously if parents are dumb enough to buy their young kids a game known for it's gore and that is clearly rated an 18/Mature then that's the parents fault not the games.

do you have any theorys on why the titans appeared in snk?

I honestly think Eren's dad has something to do with it or he at least knows something but i'm pretty clueless really


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