

Ask @Millierawrz

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What do you think Ask.fm has, that no other site has?

Well we have the "ask.fm famous" arseholes who are only "famous" for bullying people.
Now don't get me wrong, quite a lot of people on this site are lovely, funny people but there's a minority of dickheads who ruin it because apparently telling people to commit suicide is funny these days
Liked by: Sean

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Hole fore life man

off to see Courtney Love live in Leeds in May with teh boyf :D
I think i'ma die
she's perfect
Liked by: Sean

with the lights out, it's less dangerous, here we are now, entertain us!

I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us<33

Kinda depressed atm, so out of curiosity, honest opinion of me? Emphasis on "honest" Sent to a few I follow

you're absolutely adorable and seem like a genuinely nice person, followed you for a while now


I am actually super pissed off that police in Seattle have started digging into Kurt Cobain's death again purely because it's the 20th anniversary next month and they'll get loads of attention. What the almighty fuck. Kurt's daughter has had his suicide hanging over her head since she was a year and a half old and I doubt she wants all of it dragging back up again. Courtney Love got accused of planning her husbands murder so I can't imagine it's nice for her either. Do the police honestly only give a shit about media attention not how it'll affect Kurt's family friends?
cannot be fucked

have you ever been close to dying before?

Honestly, yes I have.
About a year ago I took a huge overdose and I ended up living in a psych ward.
It freaks me out to think it wasn't so long ago I was in such a terrible place I wanted to die

Millie, you don't have to put on the red light. Those days are over. You don't have to sell your body to the night. Millie. You don't have to wear that dress tonight. Walk the streets for money. You don't care if it's wrong or if it's right..

Liked by: Alice Jackson

What countries would you travel to if you were to do a world trip?

The only place I really really want to visit is Japan because they have Pokemon centers and cafes where you get served by ninjas and they have Hello Kitty theme parks and it'd just be amazing


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