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ممكن تدعولي ربنا يرزقني راحه البال . لعل احدكم اقرب لله مني انا في اشد الحاجه للدعوة دي والله وربنا يكرمكم يارب ويحققلكم كل اللي بتتمنوه

ولله ولله انا عاوز الى يدعيلى براحة البال .. ربنا يكرمنا بها و اياكم

I didn't know I would come back to you so quickly!? I just want to reassure you,I can never give you up,you're the only beauty thing left for me,I can't imagine my life without you Mustafa! And another remarkable! You have increased beauty in the last period,Ma man ! ? You're so missed ma dear!

many thanks ?


Language: English