@Mrjensa#1 🇸🇪


Ask @Mrjensa

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Say something that turns you off?

love fucking food and everything but having food-sex with someone who has bulimia that's quite something else. You just " Yummy! No one can make mashed potatoes like your grandmother. Here, let me help you lick your fingers!"Then from out of nowhere, she throws up everything right in your fucking face.

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In which city you would like to live?

Rovinj, Croatia, looks nice. Or live in a similar place like that, near the water. If I move to Norway, I would probably move to Bergen.
But I would also like to live in a big city like Mumbai. A whole other culture. Istanbul, Moscow. I can keep going.
So many beautiful places 😍

Is it okay for a girl to ask a guy out on a date?

Who the fuck pays? That's all I want to know. If shes going to talk about her fucking ex-boyfriend for 1 hour it better be fucking her.
"I hate him so much, and he keeps stalking me all the time. It wouldn't surprise me if he could see us right now."
"What a fucking dedicated guy. Maybe I should talk to him?"
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"No? Why?"
"Nah, I already told him everything about you so now he wants to kill you too."
"Okay! Let's hurry up and order the fucking food then! Don't worry, if you can't eat everything now they can probably save it and bring it along with some fucking catering at my funeral."
"But what if he finds us here?"
"Don't worry! It's a fucking Chinese restaurant. Do you know how fast they are?"
And people are wondering why I'm not dating anymore. Yeah, go figure.

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What if women buy men?

What if, neither of your fucking parents had paid for each other that night? How about that?😁
Go on with your fucking life now.
+2 answers in: “Do you respect a girl or a guy who works in a prostitution position while he is forced to do it ... because he needs money !!?🍭💭”


If someone forces you to sell sex that's the fucking scumbag. Men who are paying women for sex are fucking disgusting people.
So maybe I'm judging people after all😁
+2 answers in: “Do you respect a girl or a guy who works in a prostitution position while he is forced to do it ... because he needs money !!?🍭💭”

After what words do you want to make wishes?

I wish people will be healthy and that they have a warm place where they can eat, sleep and spend their holidays, either with their family or their loved ones. I wish people will stay safe and be more careful in the traffic. I hope, wish and want, from the bottom of my heart, that all parents will put their kids first and stay sober during the holidays. I also hope that people will have in mind and be very respectful towards all the cats and dogs during the celebration on New Year's Eve. Things like this.


Language: English