
Muath Abuhaimed

Ask @Muath

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From ur bbm contacts list 1- annoying 2- amazing dps 3-send a lot of BC 4-talk a lot with 5- love ur status 6-quit ?

1- i love them all <3

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wala thank you <3 ;* tkoun 2500 aw 3000 :D and agin thank u :*

hummmm no need to thanks me !! shoofy momkn canon 500D or 550D etha 79ltehm btha als3r mara kwyss !! 6b3n ana an97k fee 550D w fee kman 600D lakn ma a3rf km s3rhaa klhm kwyseen !

muath help meee !! :( ana kl yoom a9ee7 w ajls fe elzwaya w asm3 50 cent a7s eny 7zeenh jdn </3 wsh el7l fe rayk ?

t3aly a8raa 3leeetss

lo sm7t :$ :$ bs2lk soa2l bma eno t9werk jmeel *mashalla* -- wdi as2lk wsh nw3ha w bkm w a7sssn nou3 llmbtd2en ,, kl ma asa2l a7d y8oul ra2y :'( =))

ana ast5dm canon 550D T2i !! fee anwa3 ktheera kwysa bs hy t3tmd 3ala elly y9wr w noo3 al3dsat w kitha bs enty gooly ly km 7dk floos w agoolk ay noo3 ta5then !! w thanku 3ala alkalam aljmeel <3

سُبحآآن آلله , و آلحَمدلله , ولآآ إله إلآآ آلله , وآلله أكببر * ( إذآ عجزت عن نشرهـآإ فآعلم آن ذنوبك آثقلتهـآإ ) [ لآ إلة إلآ آلله محمد رسول آلله ] لآني آعزك:صلي عَ النبي مـرآإت وآرسلهـآإ آرجوك آرسلهآ ولآ تتردد =)

shokrn jzak allah 5eer

Loved your pictures <3 amazing mshalllah keep goin' <3 my Q is ; ur fav singer ?

thank u thats sweet from u <3 :$.... i answered kther ! bs i will answer ! ana a7b ktheer w ma 3ndi singer mo3yn y3ni a7b songs more than almo'3nii !! w a3t8d ma fee a7d now y7b only one singer !! a3t8d kl a7d y7b songs akthr !!

What should there be in a perfect day ? la tgol ly answered b3d =))

Answered hhhhhhhh amz7 :p many things like start with a big smile !! cuz if u just think about it !! just smile awal ma t97een b3dha bykon ur day is so good but if u woke up with mad mood ur day will be bad cuz maybe u will break something or get fight with someone.....etc ! so smile and everything will be perfect in ur day!

Tell me about something you would happily do again?

i wish 2007 comes back !! it was nice year ! cuz we were here in egypt with most of my friends and it was craziest year !!

Whats The Dumbest Rumor U Heard About Yourself ?

when i was in secondary school my classmates told my teacher Muath is dead !! hhhhhhh all of the people thoughts that right hhhhh but next i was in school hhhhh


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