
Muath Abuhaimed

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If you had the chance to go anywhere for dinner tomorrow, where would you go?

In-n-out in San Diego :p hahah

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ya5i mta bs tnwr alriyadh brj3tak :( <333

Ykfi noork !! Ana brj3 3ala bdayt rm'9an enshallah bjls shwy b3den bro7 usa

yea if he/she had the balls anyways, he/she wouldn't of been anonymous

dana idk
Yeah, u know its too easy to talk behaind the screen !! But hard to say it face to face !!

nice bekshar sebak men al hater

dana idk
i know dana they never ever make me feel bad !! i'm so happy to find people like that to teach them !

muath kam tjls t7t alshams e4a 76et altan?

ajls kl yoom sa3a or sa3a w shwy bs w ana mnsd7 ajls rb3 sa3a t7t alshms w anzl amoya b3den a6l3 w ansd7 mara thanya rb3 sa3a w hktha !! 6b3n ma ykfi yoom or yoomen !! la lazm 3 ayam at least !

yep i know w kman fe Carrot oil sun lotion ,, i mean ay shy feeh carrot y5le el loon a7la ya basha :D ..

shokrn ya st alkol ma y7rmnash mn zoo2k hhhhh

oky good good ya basha ;D w my cream kman kways lol :p

i knew it bs oil a7sn mn lotion and spray !! cuz yt8shron a7yann or 3ala b3'9 albshrat..bs oil never !!

oky nicee :D eshtry carrot sun cream 3shan y9eer loonk orange mo m7ro8 ;p and ilove ur pic (Y)

no no no !! ana abee3 oil tan asasn fee rio !! nfs elly ast5dmta fee pic !!

yea we will see tmw e4a bts7b again or no ya basha ;p ,, yeah go w sawe zy ha4a el color =)) cuz mara 7lo mashallah It's Summer now .. so It's tanning time ;D

ana mtntn mn ftra w 3shani jlst fee rio bdon ma aswy tan rj3 looni t8rybn bs enshallah b3ml tan hena hlyoomen !!

:'o oky so tmw n6l3 ya basha ,, and btw your tan looks great mashallah ;D

enshallah tmw !! :p .... thank you bs color bda yro7 cuz this pic before 2 months !! aby aro7 sharm alshy5 !

Is there some kind of history behind the name 'Google' or was it just a random choice?;p

Alanoud ♕
Google is 3mna now !! so whatever u want to know just google it !!


Language: English