

Ask @Musicfreak3225

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Who is the happiest person on the world?

Behind ever smile, there's sadness in the heart
Although We might have a lot of problems
Those who smile even in midst of problems are the truly happy ones. And the ones who overcame problems, they're also the happiest ones
Liked by: Syafi'ie $4R4H

Imitate me :3 hahaha

'your mother lah'
Ehhhhhhh gandhi!
Always with that cheeky grin that somehow tells me you're up to something HAHHA
and then there are a lot of things that I forgot HAHAHAHA
Liked by: syaftard_

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How are you able to hide this out? All those suffering...

Why must I show it out? I mean it's my life and also not to mention I can't just be a crybaby to just say all problems out and expect people to be sympathetic to me. I also hate to be pitied on. I prefer to be normal and not using my problems to get attention from people. It's no point also
Plus, when people don't know any problems I have, they wouldn't have a chance to blackmail me with it. In fact I don't share secrets that much these days cuz no one can be trusted in the first place
Also, you fight through the stormy seas to see the shore. If halfway you're fighting against the shore and you give up, you're dead.
I ain't gonna be like that. No
I will fight in with my very best to finish these problems by myself and also give my best in every thing that I do, despite the problems I might have
What doesn't kill me, makes me stronger.
I ain't gonna let anyone mess up with my life or be their puppet
And I will fight on, till my last breath
And that's when I'll stop. And give up
Other than that, hell no am I gonna even give up :)

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Act fierce only. Think what pro already ah?

I am never a pro, and will never be
And I act fierce? That's cuz you bloody b*****ds are just using me and also making my life worse
And if you think I'm gonna be your puppet, you're dead wrong
I will rebel against you, and show you that no one is gonna control me, no one. Not now, not ever. My own free will
Get your facts right and stop trying to insult me anonymously. You just suck at it man
Liked by: yun shi

What is your Song of the week?

All for nothing - linkin park
Somewhat the lyrics are like so true in real life shit that is happening so yeah

You are just one spoilt guy who doesn't know anything about suffering or depression. And you claim you know it. Joke sia

And what makes you say that?
My dad lost his high paying job two months after I was born and all my relatives labelled me as bad omen. Jobless for 1.5 years. Imagine that
Also, my dad got retrenched at 2011 November and then Jobless till March 2012 then Jobless for 7 fucking months from November 2012 to July
And then again at October to December 2013
Try being a lower middle class PR
And you know the 'father' so kind to PR's
So all shit that's payable is double or triple the amount
And not to mention, buttheads judging me cuz I'm not 'cool' and I'm an Indian and also, using me for their advantage and ditching me once it's done
Being alone all the way and no matter how much you try to change they still don't accept you.
Even though I listen and help people, no one does it for me, no help and all left alone to sort out the mess you or others created
And imagine being the dumbest one among all your relatives and humiliating your parents in front of their relatives and friends. Even my dad's like humiliated to even say I'm his son. And I am sometimes even ashamed to be alive just to be a laughing stock and making your parents down, especially my mum, who made a lot of sacrifices and yet I only made her cry a lot
And no matter how hard I try, I just get backstabbed and betrayed
Everything is Topsy turvy
Imagine being all alone, betrayed, ditched into a drain, hurt and suffering in pain inflicted
And yeah, I don't know Anything about suffering :)
And you're such a butthead, wanna make my life worse, come at me, I'll show you the hell that's much worse than you even expected
I'm a demon living in the darkest part of hell.
And I'll show you first hand of suffering :)

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Story of how you broke it XD?

Okay so basically in sec 2 me and blah blah blah people were tossing the basketball cuz we finished our NAPFA
and then i throw the ball a bit too high until it hit the L shape part of a wall and then BAM! It reflected and smashed two window pane XD (well the first one was totally smashed, then the second one wasn't that bad so excluded HAHA)
And Mr syazwan asked me if I was the monkey who broke it HAHA
and in may 2014 that spot had its second anniversary
The day where I smashed it HAHA X'D
if you see a darker blue window pane near the pull up station (outside staff room 3,) that's the window pane I broke HAHHA
Liked by: Syafi'ie

What's the most expensive thing you've ever broken?

Two school window pane that summed up to $100 at sec 2 HAHA

Is it scandalous to wear socks with sandals?

It depends HAHAH usually it looks retarded, especially those tube socks XD


Language: English