

Ask @Musicfreak3225

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Ya and the reason why is that Number 1: You all sucked at presentation skills. 2: Some members are maybe 2 members don't even know the story enough to explain it. 3: Your Idea Sucked. Or 4: You do not have a good friend at that time to actually boost your "scores" up right?? Or you have any better r

then just come straight to my face and say that you bloody %$^%$
if you are just gonna insult, go f**k yourself and go to your mum's graveyard

Where were you 3 hours ago?

Nanyang Polytechnic for the N.E.mation 8 results,which sadly i didn't make it into the top 40 teams :(

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Walauu eh liddat la say la if it's your gf. Relax, it's not like we're gonna seduce you or anything.-.- hahahahajk also, OK lo, don't say I neh jio you ah!

I won't lah
You too kind to me XD
Liked by: Kim

Eh We jio you our study session hor. Er... Friday. 11am. Starbucks. Bugis Junction. I'll be doing my marathon revision.

Lol too far
And I wanna Lepak all day uh XD Chey jk uh
Parents no allow hang out. More like a dictatorial ruling in my house, ruled by dad ><

Walau don't fight with me for Rachel lehhhhh OMG Rach is mineeeee muahahahaha

da hell XD
lol she my jie jie XD
so kind to me XDDDDDDD

How did you make your first money?

I, Raqib Zaahed, would like to say that i have never gone to part time job or have done any work that will reward me with money

Keep your head up, boy :) And best of luck for your EOYS

Rachel Kon
haha thanks jie jie :D
had to save prepaid ><
telco like making my prepaid DEDUCT SUPER SUPER FAST!!! :(
Liked by: Rachel Kon

What sport do you do?

badminton is evident
if rollerblading is counted as sports then just add it to the list
now it's volleyball

What annoys you the most?

people who make me f****d up, people who just shun me away, people who insults me on my incapabilities, and people who judge me just because i'm into IT and photography stuffs, and calling me a geek ><
Liked by: Kim

Who was your idol when you were growing up?

Michael Jackson
But sadly he passed away :'(
No one is as awesome as him
R.I.P Michael Jackson


Language: English