

Ask @Najwaazz

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Do you dance like crazy when no one is looking? What music makes you dance the most?

i dont dance but i dab on every songs played in the shopping mall

Bts ? As i know that it stands for bandar tasik selatan or it also can be used refering to berjaya times square 👌🏻

alifaimaannn’s Profile PhotoChai
then sorry we cant be friends

Apa korang rasa bila kawan lelaki korang malukan korang dalam group dengan kawan kawan lain . Sedih tho sekarang ni.

ive experience this during my school life. lelaki umur time tu cam babi sikit la perangai. anyway, jgn layan dorg, or jgn respond dekat dia. its not merajuk but act cam you dont give a fuck at all :)

Kau tak lawa. Gemuk. Tapi kau suka sesorang. Patut tak confess dekat dia walaupun kau tahu possibility untuk direject sangat tinggi.

i think u should if u have that guts. at least ur already confessed and rejection is better than fake hopes
Liked by: Balqis

You are attending a birthday party of a very rich person who "has got everything". What do you give him/her as a gift?

just wish that person a happy birthday and i dont think u should put so much effort to impress him or her cuz yeah he or she alr got everything

Guys , 😂 perempuan senang sgt suka dkt org..knp ye

bcs you guys throwing so much hopes on her and promise the things you cant keep. that is why girls are easy to fell on those silly things. but thank god we’re finally realized that we can stand on our own. im telling you this bcs i want guys out there to keep their words, giving fake hopes make us feels so pathetic.
Liked by: Norazlin

Kalau nak filter cantik biasa pakai app apa?

currently im using Analogshop. it was for a girly and aesthetic freak kind of filter. its available on apple store. sorry i didnt know much about android hehe. i also tryna use VSCO but still noob at it lmao

Please pray for me. Next week was my final exam for my last semester in diploma. Hope to get the best result for the last year in this diploma. Thank you all i love you 💕


org baru dtg dlm hidup kau waktu kau tgh lemah , dan kau dh mula syg dia , tp ex kau dtg dgn perubahan yg baru dn betul2 ikhlas nk kau balik. kau pilih yg mana? 😞

takde pengalaman bercinta :(


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