

Ask @Najwaazz

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Do you have instagram? Share4Share? -> http://instagram.com/malat_k Share my photo with my name "Follow Her" and i'll do the same :) please and if you'll done i can give you 50 likes or gift :)

I hate to say this but emm I don't promoting ppls in instagram. hehe

Apa azam tahun baru?

get through the fcking spm ((nahh kidding I have to get a good result)) and tak nak bawak phone kat sekolah *kot..err ntah la*

Hello, I don't want to make you afraid, but someone shared a recording about you. One girl barefacedly insults you and and shows your ask account. It's very sad, better check it. Somebody asked me a question with this website, so if you want to see this, you have link in my questions. Website is blo

totally a lie

Kalau betul la dh ajal aku nk mampos aku terima..tpi ajal aku bkan di tangan kau utk menentukannya..

so.. so.. yang kau menganjing sini kenapa?


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