

Ask @Najwaazz

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sekarang ni tv dia tak boleh tekan number channel la.. Risau la saya

Oh akak pun selalu jadi macam tu. Adik kena tekan off button belakang box yg untuk tv tu.. Err susah sikit kalau jenis akak tak sama dengan adik punya.. Box tu yg selalu keluar number channel bagai tu. Pastu adik biar jap dalam 12 saat. Pastu tekan on balik, then tunggu sampai keluar siaran semua.. Pastu dah okay hehe

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"Calling a person dumb doesn't make you smarter" perfect quotes for that anon. Stay strong najwa. I'm behind ya

thanks much dear. <3333

There's no need to make an account to ask or bashing u. That's why u r so dumb dude.

i know you are such an intelligent human being here but you don't have any guts in your self. coward will always a coward.
Liked by: Balqis

You r just a kid.a kid without a proper knowledge

you don't realize that you just a coward. you never show your name all the time. by saying I'm lack of knowledge but instead you don't know who really i am. stop judging me with those words like you are so intelligent enough so yea. I'm just 17 and still immature but I'm not like you hide your self using anon and judge me everything. you.are.an.old.woman/guy.and.such.a.coward
Liked by: Balqis

Even anon busy kay. Tak mcm u xde life. Bkan nk baca buku ke. Buat research ke. X habis dgn kpop jpop. Urgh

kalau i buat apa pun suka hati lah. i tak kacau life u pun so u better shut up k?


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