

Ask @NeonClockwork

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Which meal was so good that you can't forget it?

Most meals tbh? My parents are both super great cooks so most anything they make is really great.
I like most all food.
I guess my mom's candied carrots from Easter or the roasted garlic red potatoes she made the other day.

Do you follow your brain or your heart?

My heart b/c I otherwise will sit and overthink/dwell on things for way too long.
I feel like a lot of my decisions are swayed by feelings rather than logic anyway, even when I try to think then through, but its not something I can really help.

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How do you stay fit?

Walking. Lots and lots of walking.
Also lifting/carrying things around/into the house.

If you sing in the shower, what song(s) would you usually sing?

I just hum w/e music I take in there with me actually. Its mostly instrumentals and stuff so there is very little actual singing mostly just me humming or the like.

If you were candy, what would you be?

Butterscotch discs b/c old people think I'm great and I can spontaneously show up at any time even when you think I'm gone.
Also butterscotch discs are delicious.

Who is your favorite artist or painter?

That's tough to say. I like a lot of art from a lot of different artists, but I can't really say I have a favorite artist overall.
Unless friends count b/c if so then def my friends b/c they all have super rad art

Would you rather live in the mountains or on the beach?

The beach, probably just so I could look at the sea. I can't swim and I burn easily so I'd prob never actually go to it, but it'd be nice to look at I suppose.
Plus I could rent my house out to vacationers who need a place to stay if I ever needed some cash haha.
The mountains are nice and super pretty, but I have enough breathing issues during the cold seasons as it is I don't need to move somewhere that's even colder and thinner than I'm already living.
((Also have you /seen/ how some ppl drive in the winter? I don't want to have to deal w/ that on a curvy high up road it'd be a disaster.))
Maybe I could rent my hypothetic beach house out and take a vacation in the mountains boom problem solved.

What's the best prank you've ever played on somebody?

I'm no good at pranks. My specialty is puns and bad jokes.
That said, I helped my mom prank one of her coworkers when I was younger if that counts?

If you could go anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would it be and why?

Tough call, but probably anywhere my friends live so I can hang out w/ them!

Do you whistle in public?

Not on purpose like you know how sometimes you forget you're in public and there are people around you and you do something completely silly b/c you do it in private?
Its like that

Do you like long hair or short hair better on others?

Whatever they're comfortable w/ having b/c its not my place to tell people how to style their hair, or how long they should have it.
People can look good with any length and they can wear it however they want as long as its not like
shaving/coloring offensive words or images into their head b/c then thats totally different

What do you do when a conversation with your friend comes to a stop and you don't know what to talk about?

I'll usually just start talking about something different, but I can't say I have this problem too often, since a lot of my convos tend to move super quickly and can change topic at the drop of a hat, but really as long as you keep talking you'll think of something to chat about even if its only tangentially related to the first thing!
I hope that helps a bit.

Who is your biggest mentor?

As cheesy as it sounds, probably my parents. They really wanted to make sure my sister and I were raised with the right morals they wanted to instill and they're usually the ones I can turn to if I ever have problems.

Would you ever get a piercing? Where?

haha, as cool as it sounds, probably not. Everyone in my family save me has pierced ears but idk for some reason I don't think it'd look v good on me.
I also can't stand the thing they use to do it b/c I just see it and imagine it being used on me and its just nope

How fast do you fall asleep?

Depending on how busy my brain is, anywhere from a half hour (average) to three hours.

What would animals say to us if they could talk?

idk probably just the stuff they already tell us, just in a way we can understand it.
I don't think animals have some sort of life altering secrets they're keeping from us, they're just kinda like 'hey man just remember to care for and love me alright'

If you could try any (real) profession for a day, what would it be?

Gosh, that's hard to say! But I think being a teacher would be fun.
Otherwise, computer technician, b/c it would be a good learning experience, and is something I'm super interested in.
Liked by: Kat Hersh松

things you do when you come home from school as a kid vs. things you do when you come home from school now?

As a kid: Do my homework so I can seem smart the next day
Now: Google things I learned while helping kids in class so I can seem smart the next day

What do you refuse to pay for?

Someone else's mistakes.
If we're talking money, anything that isn't my own, unless it was agreed upon otherwise, like if I was doing it as a thank you or to help someone else, or the total bill for a group was to be split evenly between the members.

Will humans ever live on another planet?

I don't see why we couldn't. Humans certainly have the drive/desire to do so, its just a matter of advancing technology enough to accomplish it.
However I certainly hope w/e planet we decide to hang out on we take good care of it. Even if its like some sort of shitty desert like in star wars.

Post a picture of your angry face!

draw a mad face on a cardboard box and thats literally me
kinda like this


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