
Simply Nada.

Ask @NiallIsMyLife13

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sorry i havent been on for the past few days, my gran really isnt good. we will talk soon though:)

It's fine! No need to apologize babe, I hope your gran gets well all prayers for her <3 xx and anytime you're free to talk tell me :)

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Whos your best friend?

I don't have one only bestfwend :3 there's; Noor D, Omar N, Elli, Akwaa, Citalli, Helmy, Lina, Mariam A, Rokaya, Rodaina. Yep

http://ask.fm/ollyrauh http://ask.fm/kurrttcobain http://ask.fm/clungem4gnet69 http://ask.fm/toririley These four "guys" are trannys it is fucking disturbing, they are obviously mentally unstable thinking they are boys when they have vaginas so are clearly girls, give them shit, they deserve it x

Right when I read this I was like "you fucking shit head" what is wrong with you? I don't know them but I know one of them which is Tori. What has given you the right to insult them! It isn't their fucking fault they were born into the wrong body! You're fucking sick, they're not tranny's you fucking dumbass. If a boy changes into a girl it's HIS FUCKING CHOICE! If a girl changes into a boy it's HER FUCKING CHOICE, you can't treat them like shit simply because they're are not the gender you want them to be! You're a fucking disgrace to this world, and some don't even choose to change genders, some are born into a body they weren't meant to be in! I'm so pissed, WHY DO PEOPLE LIKE YOU FUCKING EXIST?! go die seriously we don't need people like you in this fucking world. Not ANY transgender person is EVER mentally unstable you fucking prick, stop taking a laugh at it because everyone is doing it, GO AWAY AND NEVER COME BACK YOU CUNT, do you know how much hate they get everyday for this? It isn't their fault, and they WON'T change because you simply don't like it or think its gross. Ffs fuck off I'm pissed.

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- @Toririley

Simply Nada.
this was ages ago, but I thought to post it again (this was off my other account and I edited it because as I said it's old):
This ones for you Tori Riley :)
Okay , I don't know much about you, but to be honest the hate you get makes me fucking sick, no one deserves hate because they're different then everybody else and don't add up to anyone's liking, FUCK THEM! Why should their opinion matter in the slightest way? people hating on others for being different for the fun of it? Makes me fucking mad, what has this world come to?? Seriously ask.fm is for asking people questions and meeting new people I never knew it was the hate center and judging people on a daily freaking basis! You're transgender so what! Does it matter to me? Or to anyone else this is who you are and that's never going to change! You don't change yourself to please others, you don't have to change yourself to "fit" in. Tori you're amazing for handling all this hate, you're seriously so strong and seem like an amazing guy! I really look up to you, and your really cute! I never really stand up for people but when it gets repetitive and the hate grows more and more it's where I put my foot down to make it stop, fuck these haters and stay strong :) you're seriously the best cxx <3

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Simply Nada.
Tonight Kenneth, Yamoodi, maybe Jackie and others like Leeanda are going to try to make @toririley commit suicide.
They're going to talk about his uncle who has recently died and they're also going to make fun of his gender. They are going to try and make it out like Jack Berry has said it but I 100% promise he hasn't.
like and send this around so other people can see it.
It's disgusting what people are doing to him.

sorry, im on my phonea t the moment, ive been in hospital all day as my gran isn't well. ill try and be on tomorrow xxx

Aw hope she gets well! it's fine we'll talk on Thursday as promised :3 xxx

is it weird that some girl on omegle just asked me to go on cam because her mother died and it would cheer her up :S

i don't think so? ;o i think it's a nice thing to do. who is this? ;o


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