
Simply Nada.

Ask @NiallIsMyLife13

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Simply Nada.
I've said this once, twice and I'll say it a fucking third time. Leave Noor the fuck ALONE! Do you feel good inside giving her hate when she OBVIOUSLY doesn't deserve it?!?! stop acting as if you know anything about her! Because in reality you don't know shit about her! You don't know what she's been through, and stop making up the most fucked up rumors/lies about her because you have nothing better to do with your fucked up life! I may have not been her friend for a long time but at least I don't treat her like shit, so now gtfo off her page and never come back because people like you deserve to be pushed off a cliff.
Liked by: Noor Duncan

So you wanted this question, opinion about me?

You're one of the sweetest guys I know, you're my best friend that I trust with my secrets and can always depend on you, we've "almost" went through similar things but we've always got each others back. You are an amazing listener and give really good advice. Thankyou for being here for me c:
Liked by: Nabih

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basically my point being one direction will be gone in, what, give it about 2 years? Then you will be trying to ride the dick of some other talentless band who, lets face it, you will never meet

Are you okay habbibi? Trying to ride dick? Are you fucking kidding me? You think that's all I look for in artists/bands? Jut go away you make me sick.

You can't really say they are talented because they don't play any instruments at all and someone else makes the track they "sing" to on garageband (or another program like it). The only reason they were actually noticed was because they went on X-Factor and can't earn fame the hard way

I won't bother answering you, and funny thing is you took time to learn about them.
Liked by: Kate..

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wow pakistani girl, if u respesct ur shitty religion u woulnt make a fb at all, dumb!

Niggah say waht now, first of all I'm not paki lmfao, my religion isn't shitty you fucking asshole, and wow I'm not allowed to make a Facebook because I'm Muslim? Wow .. You're retarded.. And the how the fuck do you know I have a fb? STALKER O.O

you are scared to have a full pic of ur body, scared to be laughed at cos ur body isnt hot like other girls, not to mention ur face too kid lol

No it's because I fucking respect my religion I'm Muslim I won't go showing my body around a fucking website! And I don't give a single fuck about your opinion I like my body the way it is.

just to not mention ur arse is kinda flat too, and 1D wil not screw you even if you are the only 1 girl left on earth LMAO

Okay listen here ya gazma, I never even took a full size picture of myself that showed my body on here so shut up, and I never even said anything about wanting to screw One Direction they're my idols and 3 of them have girlfriends so GTFO my page and leave me the FUCK ALONE.

some got angry because she has flat tits, poor her :(((

I do not give a single fuck if I have flat boobs, GTFO my page I'm not in the mood.

you are stupid, doesnt matter that ur still 14 u will have flat boobs even when ur 30 LOL



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