
Simply Nada.

Ask @NiallIsMyLife13

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Okay listen you basic bitches! The fact that you're basically stalking every aspect of Nadas life is sad. Now take your head out of your ass and get a fucking life and stop putting your ratchet noses in her life. Fucking nosey cunts. Ignore them Nada, it's bs.

Noor Duncan
Thank you Noor! Ily <3
Liked by: Hulugan

Too much make up Basic Bitch much?

Lol I use eyeliner and foundation. Even if I used "so much makeup" that doesn't make me fake, don't even try and insult me because it's not working.

Do you think society is dying slowly due to the degrading of melons? If so how do you plan to save the melon species?

Jake Bishop

It's hilarious how literally a few months ago you were all about not having a boyfriend on ask.fm and now you flaunt so much that you have a boyfriend. Like attention whorey much? Who the fuck cares.

Excuse me? The who fuck do you think you are? You're like a fucking internet troll, stalking me and asking about my love life, why do you fucking care! Fuck off already oh my god. I'm not "flaunting" my boyfriend I simply said I have a boyfriend and he makes me happy, and whatever I do off ask.fm is none of your damn FUCKING business. I swear to god if you ask me one more question you won't be happy.

Bc I don't understand the problem with telling people you've kissed someone you've been in a committed relationship with for a while.

It's none of your damn business, I don't even know you.

And tbh idec if you have. I just wanted to know the problem with telling someone if you've kissed your boyfriend or not.

Why are you asking me? Why do you care??

Are you embarrassed to admit if you've kissed your boyfriend? I mean not wanting to share if you've had sex is perfectly reasonable, but I fail to see the problem with having kissed your boyfriend or not.

Oh my god would just leave me alone and stop being a nosey little fuck?

How is asking if you've ever kissed your boyfriend personal? It's a simple question.

Because I don't need to let the world fucking know. Now fuck off thanks.

No it's not ?

Yes it is, you're asking about MY boyfriend I am allowed to choose if I want to answer or not.

Does your parents know about Jack, and have u kissed with him?

Uhm I'm not answering any questions about MY boyfriend because that's personal.


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