

Ask @NicoleBroadley760

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Any internet friends?

Yeah, katie and kaitlin are my main bae's but i talk to a lot of people online. Funny enough theyre all mostly american🙈 oops😂

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What makes you laugh the most?

It's funny how you could be there for someone when no one else was. Believed in them. Trusted them. Loved them when they couldn't love themselves. Yet now look, now they're just no more than a stranger. Now they're just someone you can never trust, see they made excuses and got bored and left. Well i guess its life...moving on and being happy is the best feeling in the world! People think they will break you by breaking 'you's' but really they making you a better person.earning from mistakes is what its all about, you will always love them but they're no more than a mistake.

Favourite song

I keep answering this ;-; lets just say every song i listen to and that i have i my phone are my favourite songs.

standing town and some bloke walks past me and rubs up against my bum, that's the most action i've had in a while.


Would you call yourself a “happy person”?

Not as such, recently i have been more happier than usual though so yeah 😌

What makes someone attractive?

You sometimes can't pin point something exact that you love about someone or what makes them attractive. Sometimes you just do.

If you could choose a different time period and place to be born, when and where would it be?

Idk? Probably wouldn't of chosen to be born xD

do you have nice feet?

This is so creepy and i swear its so annoying, stop asking about my feet and asking for pictures of them.


Language: English