

Ask @NicoleBroadley760

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Post a pic of the one you love?

I love everyone, well I love my friends and family, but this post is dedicated to my bae. Just look at how beautiful she is...so lucky to have her in my life, love you princess. <3
Post a pic of the one you love

Hey gorgeous, how are you feeling? Hope you're okay <3

Hey princess, I'm okay I suppose...still missing you but I'm happy enough now i can speak to you...<3

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I've already listened to loads of sam smith ;3, my music taste changed again..techno punk/metal xc , be happy though, you'll get through it ,be happy and don't give up because even though I'm not with you now, doesn't mean I won't be with you later..<3

Your the best bae in the world, princess <3

Me and you are going to live in los angeles in a mansion with awesome cars and a harley ..we'll be rich and have each other. I promise I'll make that happen. I don't break my promises. I'll come for you, and we'll live happily ever after, okay? <3

Bae I love and miss you. This is perfect. You are perfect. Your actual my life. Love you <3

What song best describes your day today?

Every fucking Sam Smith song. Is it just me or does every Sam smith song seem so fucking relatable? Omg.


So I am currently listening to music. waiting to go to school. I have been up all night. No make up. Look like shit.And wanna just stay home and talk to Bæ. TGIF :(

Who are the top 10 people you are thankful for?

1) My mum
2) sisters
3) best friend Nikki
4)Caitlin - my bae
5) My American friend Kaitlin
6) my other American friend Katie
7) my auntie
8) my gran
9) my hamster!! <3
10) Ariana grande

Who's Caitlin?

My bae!!!
She's the most amazing and beautiful and perfect girl ever!!! And I love her. She means the world to me. <3


Language: English