
Nisha Rafiq

Ask @NishaBegum

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why is everyone giving you hate like what the hell no one is perfect and no one has the right to judge you expect allah so anons if you have nothing nice to write don't right anything

Exactly everyone makes mistakes but thats all about life your meant to make mistakes and learn from them. Thankyouu who are you?xxx

Are you proud to be a Muslim?

Yeah but i think if i try my hardest then i can be a even better Muslim which inshallah i'm tryna do

Cannot w8 until yhu die cuzz i knoww yhu love fizzy

Ahahaha you actually fink i would kill myself over a stupid anon? LOL! Yeah i love him as a MATE..so fuck baby your such a pussy bcuz you just cant say shit to my face got the balls come say ih to my face i dare yah!!!

Which girls in year 12 are pretty?

I only just about remember two girl misbah and javariyah(duno how ta spell her name:/)

Let me insert my hard dick in your tight pussy and fuck you hardcore if not i'll hsve to rape you;)

Let me insert my fingers in to my throat so I can vomit out your disgustingly fucked up words
Liked by: Saliyha Mawji

You stole fizzy from me fuckin go start cutting he's left you for me he's MINE bitch you hear me MINE

I can't honestly hear you but i can read what you wrote if that's okay? Firstly i was never with him we were just really close mates but as i can sense you were very jealous of that. Why the hell would i start cutting for when he wasn't he mine in the first place we were just mates and we still are. Got a problem with that get your fucking ass off anon and then say it to me.

FUCK OFF YOU SCROTUM'S, WHY ARE YOU TELLING HER TO DIE?! Nish don't worry about these cretins.. i know you ain't going to take me seriously after this but............. you have 69 likes hahahahahahahahahahah, loveyou <3

Because they hate me fatty:( i'm not loved-.haha whatever;L loveyouuutoo baby boo :L <3


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