

Ask @Paigeee11

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Are there any places you are afraid to visit?

Burmuteira Triangle, just incase i get abduced or some shit like that

What do you think is the greatest problem facing the teenagers of today?

that they all want to be like these tumblr girls and model boys. and Almost every girl wants to please society by doing stupid things like fake-tanning, drawing eyebrows on, loosing their virginity early because they want a reputation, and boys want to be known as 'lads' for doing the stupidest of things, boys want to be apart of this fucked up society by becoming either the next rocky by fighting all the time or the want to be come the next gangster criminal by robbery, or carrying guns and knifes. They hate being Sterotyped, but yet they still encourage people to sterotype them even more, because that's all the care about, image.

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What’s your favorite way to have fun?

just being with friends and not planning anything so whatever fun happens just happens, it wasn't planned- thats the best

What's something you do well?

urmm, be lazy, i'm well good at that, i think i should get an award for that, but they'd have to get someone to give it to me personally because i'd be to lazy to get it

Name a few movies you can watch over and over?

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,BraveHeart, SCOOBY-DOO, Grown-ups,Old Dogs

What do you see from your bedroom window?

my dad's vans in the way, so i just see his self-employed van, or when he moves it i see an old lady doing her garden

What was the best advice you've ever received?

about may last year my dad told me that you should wear whatever you want, even if you look stupid as fuck, wear it as long as your comfortable because at the end of the day, your the one who's wearing it, not them people who judge you. everybody has their own style, it just takes some people to show it more than others

Do you believe in Karma?

genuinely no, but if something happens to someone after they've done something wrong, i always say to them 'THATS KARMA BITCH' just blame Karma

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

would they even be able to understand or remember it? i would just say something mean like how bad their mothers cooking is and give them advice on not telling anyone about it

Do you like or dislike spicy food?

DISLIKEEE! i could get 30 degree burns on my tounge and it would be classed as 'normal'

What is your favorite joke?

I don't have a favourite joke, you can't really.. If you say a joke and I laugh, it's funny+i live it, if I just sit there+look at you then you need to get some better jokes


Language: English