

Ask @Paigeee11

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If you could be invisible, what would you do?

lift things up and pretend i'm a ghost to scare people:)

What crazy things do you dream of trying someday?

bunjee jump
parachute jump
go in hot air balloon

Would u ever come up to meet me

I dunno, I'd love to go to Scotland though:) you have kik or anything?

one thing that annoys you about whitneeeey?

That when people are horrible to her, she's nice to them as if they haven't done anything to her, but she hates people picking on people, so I guess it's alright
Liked by: ;Whitneyelliott

What makes you angry?

Errmm, when I'm watching tv and my parents are in the kitchen talking so loudly whilst the tumble dryers on and they don't shut the door that separates the living room to the kitchen argh

i bet you asked them questions with pictures yourself cause its a coincidence that theres a picture for each question

No I didn't actually, I just found the pictures everytime I got a question, that would mean I called my own sister a whore, which I wouldn't because she isn't a whore.


Language: English