

Ask @Paigeee11

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If you was moving away, who would you take with you?

I have 3 people I would take:) Bethannie,Lauren,Whitney and Sam:)

who do you talk to the most?

Ermm, on the Internet I'd say Whitney and Sam in real life, I'd say Beth,Lozz and Whitney.. Oh and Sheila

Ur such a shit friend 2 whitney

Right okay. Because you really know do you? Because you're always there for her whenever she needs you, your the one who she rings when she's upset? You're the one who she tells she trusts a lot and tells you nearly everything? You're the person who's doing whatever they can to make sure she's okay? You're the one who has heart to heart conversations with her are you? You're the person who knows that she's one out of the two people you can trust with your life? You're the person she's rung up crying are you? You're the person who knows that you can tell her everything and know she won't judge you are you? Right I didn't think so. Next time don't say I'm a shit friend if you can't answer all of those questions with a snappy 'yes' because I can, each and everyone. I treat Whitney like a sister, and I love that girl to pieces, I'm the best I can be of a friend to her, I can't do anymore than I'm already doing, she appreciates what I do for her so why can't you? My friendship with Whitney has got nothing to do with anybody except me and Whitney, so why are you saying I'm a shit friend? And by the way, you obvs aren't very good at English.

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Liked by: ;Whitneyelliott

U bumchum Whitney so much

I don't give a fuck anymore If people say I bumchum Whitney because right now she needs me more than ever, and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure she's okay, she's a good friend to me and I'm always going to be there for her, if you don't like it, then take your problems somewhere else.
Liked by: ;Whitneyelliott

What's one thing you've always hoped to do "one day"?

I'd like to live in an new- York apartment but like the loft ones where artists live in shows, but I wouldn't do art, because I can't draw

opinion on, nida, haleema, whitney ,charlotte, bethannie, lauren, roxy, max, katie, annie, lewes, lucy, daniel, jahan, hamza, paige, kyle, michael, emma, jae, charlotte, connor, zara, kim , beckey kieran emily james chloe

Already done it not gonna bother again

you are sending huge BULLSHIT paras that you dont even care bout

So you think I would spend ages writing paras that I don't care about for no reason? That's stupid

TRY TO BE!!! please you didnt try! to wrapped up with getting love from whitney and alex

Well, I don't know who this is do I so I can't comment on what I didn't get Involved in.. And what? I don't get love from Whitney and Alex? I'm just close with Whitney and I don't even talk to Alex, so I have no idea what you're talking about...
Liked by: ;Whitneyelliott


Language: English