
Nohate1993 Courtney Leigh

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Hmm.. For me it isn't easy. All my life was heavy. Not only does this passage in which he took my beloved person. I always helping people, and yet my life is awful. He does not take this into account. He is horrible.

Davee_93’s Profile PhotoMówMiDave
What if life was all easy??? Than what would anyone learn? I get god does things that we do not understand. Yes we all lose loved ones my life wasn't easy. At all

Unfortunately, I can not imagine my life without her. I can't live like this. I hate him.

Davee_93’s Profile PhotoMówMiDave
I am sure you have been hurt left out? And at one time or another you where the 3rd wheel. You forgave all those people in the past that have hurt you or left you out or used you but when it comes to god you can't forgive him: why is it so easy to forgive others and not him? And okay you can't live like this than change something change the way your living if you do not like it be the change you want to see

I believed in him. But I never did anything wrong, and yet he took my girlfriend, whom I very loved. Maybe god exists, but I turned away from him.

Davee_93’s Profile PhotoMówMiDave
I was in a car accident a few months ago. The whole back window of the car blew out, if I was in the back seat I would have been dead. and when I was a kid around 4 years old I was sick as kid for the longest time my dad prayed everyday. For me to get better 16 years old I am as heathy as ever:) god does exist. I get where your coming from though. sometimes we don't do anything wrong and god takes away people who mean the most to us but take her with you keep her in your heart live for your x girl friend... We need to look around all we see is bad but if we look closely we can find good it's there I promise


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