
Nohate1993 Courtney Leigh

Ask @Punkass1993

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Wait, I fucked up my last question. It's really how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Faith Jones
That's okay ! No worries:)) and hmm I don't know ;) you coming in Monday I Have stuff to tell you.. It's a huge sign of God lmfao!! I deleted Facebook for now long story! My parents pretty much watch me on it I get no privacy so it's just Instagram twitter and that's all(:
Liked by: Angel Hernandez

Hey there (: like 30 of my answers and i'll do the same <3 btw i followed youuu<3 ((: thaanks love

Hello and okay(: and aww okay thanks so much I followed you as well(: and hmm alright ill like a few
Liked by: Angel Hernandez

Hey, i follow you... follow back?:) and also i'm giving fansigns to everyone that likes 50 of my answers, or a gift to everyone that likes 80 of my answers:)

I already fallowed and Ik I saw that can't be bothered with liking over 50 or more things
Liked by: Angel Hernandez

Hey :) If you get this it means i'm following you <3 Just wanted to let some people know i'm sending gifts for 80 likes. So if you want one from me, make sure you like 80 of my answers and tell me when done! (You dont have to do this though, follow me back?

Liked by: Angel Hernandez

Hey there :) If you get this message it means that i follow you! (i may of just followed you, or have been for a while) Sorry if you get this twice I lost track of who i've already sent this to lol. Anyways, i hope you have a good day/night :3 Follow me back, please? xx

Hey(: and aww okay I fallowed you back and that's alright I only got that once and thank
You I hope u have a good day as well<3
Liked by: Angel Hernandez

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