
Nohate1993 Courtney Leigh

Ask @Punkass1993

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No snow here as yet but the temperatures Definately dropping :(.. I'm kinda freezing my ass off lol.. You seem really sweet :) I can't believe anyone would ever wanna pick on you x

Aw man no snow!! There yet that stinks I don't know if you like snow or not but I love snow and the temps are dropping here as we'll.. Well it's normal by me for it to be 60 one day than 30 the next day but it's cold here! Even though I haven't been outside And thank you that's very sweet of you!! Means a lot and I don't know people are people it happens my story's on my page as in here if you wanna read it you can lol.. But yeah I never understood why anyone picked on me but oh we'll that's all in the past now time to move on now all I have is myself hating and bullying me because of all that

I live in London so it's almost over, I'm freezing cold if I'm honest :( lol

Oh gotcha London that's far, but seems like a nice place and go gotcha has it snowed there yet because we got snow here in the Queen City just a dusting but it's cold and windy at this point in time and it's 1230pm in the afternoon

My story

Nohate1993 Courtney Leigh
Hello most of you know my Instagram nohate1993, here's my story!! I am 20 years old graduated high school in 2012 so it's almost 2 years. I am currently not in collage I am getting my GED no I didn't drop out its because my diploma was difference than others because of my learning disability so back in middle school I was in all these special ed classes with special needs children some kids couldn't talk or walk and then there's me i was confused into why I was in this class they didn't know what to do with me because of my disability. Everyone mad fun of me I had hardly any friends, on top of that I was a bigger girl 193 a size 17 18 in jeans and an a extra larger in shirts, I would eat away my pain, I would come home crying so much that all I would do was eat, until I wanted to puke, in 8th grade I though my life was over I lost my aunt, she was my rock my everything I though I could never go on with out her, I became very depressed when she died, middle school I was always getting kicked and pushed into lockers I let it happen because I though I deserved it, so come high school freshman year worse grade ever.... It got even worse!! the bullying got so much worse I became so much more depressed and ate and ate, in 2009 I lost so many family members that I just couldn't handle it. I wanted to end my life to get the pain away from bullying from hating myself and from the pain of losing people I loved, and all the older kids hated me and tried to scare me, by fallowing to my locker telling me everyday that they are going to beat me up, later my freshman year this group of guys tried beating me up at a park when I was all alone, I didn't get hurts I blocked punches I remember my teacher telling me to kill myself and that this class and this school would be so much better off with out me that moment I ran into the bathroom tears over flowing my face,, it was like a waterfall I couldn't stop the tears I kicked the stall in the bathroom I kept punching it saying he's right he's right he's right, that class was so bad, that he would call us retards and say that we are specified we don't have feeling and that we don't mean anything and that we will never go far, I believed everything he had said I always helped the students out telling them he doesn't mean it and I always made them feel better when I was hurting so badly, everyday was so bad, I never missed a day my mom always told me lets take a mental Heath day I always said I don't want them winning and see me not there, I worked so hard at school until graduating or a few months before, I was told that this class didn't have credits I was so hurts I was so mad I couldn't believe it I got the biggest punch in the face, later my senior year I was kicked in the tummy so hard I couldn't get up, I was in so much pain, I was mentally and physically bullied everyday for 7 years lucky I graduated that shit hole, and now I just have me hating on myself,

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