
KIᗰᗰIE ᗷ

Ask @QueenLibra88

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What do you miss?

Being able to see my family everyday! I miss them so much. 4 1/2 hours is just to far.

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What cannot be forgiven?

What has already been done and just keeps repeating over and over again. That my friend will never be forgiven!!!! Keep doing it and well, that's your fault.

What is your idea of a romantic evening?

Pudgies pizza or Taco's, video games, Red box movies and cuddling, oh and whatever else the hubby and I can get into. None of that fancy stuff, lol!!

What's the longest you've gone without a haircut?

The last time I got a haircut was some time last year.

If you could start your own business, what would it be?

Clothing and toys store for children. I've always wanted to open my on store like that.

What was the last movie you watched? Did you like it?

Fun with Dick and Jane! I like it, not something I would watch all.the.time.

If you could be invisible for a day, what would your do?

omg, I would do so much. I would make certain people feel so stupid.. omg, what wouldn't I do?!?!?!


Language: English